Month: April 2023

  • Patent Due Diligence Best Practices

    Patent Due Diligence Best Practices

    Introduction Patent due diligence is a critical element of any business transaction involving intellectual property. It’s essential to make sure you don’t overlook any issues which could reduce the value of the patent portfolio or cause costly and unnecessary post-transaction litigation. Patent due diligence involves conducting a comprehensive investigation into the legal and technical aspects…

  • How AI Helps Small Venture Investors

    How AI Helps Small Venture Investors

    AI, machine learning and predictive analytics are revolutionizing workflows across industries by speeding up content creation and extracting actionable intelligence from vast amounts of data. Venture capitalists are aware that they have an advantage in identifying promising opportunities ahead of their competitors. Venture capitalists are finding that technology is making it possible for small investors…

  • The Investor due Diligence Checklist for Successful Investments

    The Investor due Diligence Checklist for Successful Investments

    Investors or startups looking for funding should take note; due diligence is an integral process that helps assess your company’s value and eliminates potential risks. Venture capital firms typically screen startup companies using a combination of filters and questions, and having an organized checklist is essential for this step. Our template can be integrated into…

  • The Essential Components of an IP due Diligence Report

    The Essential Components of an IP due Diligence Report

    IP due diligence offers buyers and sellers of intellectual property assets the unique chance to assess their assets. It assists in determining the depth, scope, enforceability, and ownership status, as well as the future potential of a company’s intangible assets. Negotiations often take place under tight time constraints, making a thorough investigation essential for success.…

  • Small Venture Capital Funds and Patent Protection

    Small Venture Capital Funds and Patent Protection

    There are various small business startup funding options to help finance your venture. These include venture capital, loans from family or friends, and home equity lines of credit. Venture capitalists are professionally managed funds that invest in companies with the potential for rapid growth. Generally, they take a hands-on approach when investing and require ownership…

  • Intellectual Property Due Diligence in Corporate Transactions

    Intellectual Property Due Diligence in Corporate Transactions

    Intellectual property (IP) is becoming an increasingly important component of business value, making it essential that buyers, sellers, and investors conduct thorough IP due diligence prior to any transaction taking place. In corporate transactions, due diligence is the process of assessing a company’s strengths, weaknesses, and risks. It is usually done before a merger or acquisition,…

  • Creating an IP Due Diligence Checklist

    Creating an IP Due Diligence Checklist

    When a business sells or purchases intellectual property, conducting IP due diligence is an essential step. This enables the buyer to make an informed decision and reduces the risk for both parties involved. Establishing an IP due diligence checklist is a useful tool to keep the investigation focused and efficient. It may also serve as…

  • Advantages of Using an IP Due Diligence Checklist PDF

    Advantages of Using an IP Due Diligence Checklist PDF

    An IP due diligence checklist is a valuable asset for any company needing to conduct an investigation. Not only does it expedite the process, but it also guarantees that all findings are correctly recorded. An IP due diligence investigation is an integral component of ensuring a sale or negotiation goes smoothly. It can help identify…

  • A Due Diligence Checklist For Manufacturing Companies

    A Due Diligence Checklist For Manufacturing Companies

    Introduction Due diligence involves a thorough investigation and analysis of the company’s financial and operational aspects, including its facilities, operations, products, customers, and financials. Due diligence is a time-consuming task that necessitates reviewing many records quickly. Utilizing a checklist will enable you to complete this task quickly and efficiently. In this article, we will outline…

  • A Guide to IP Due Diligence For M&A Transactions

    A Guide to IP Due Diligence For M&A Transactions

    Introduction In mergers & acquisitions (M&A), intellectual property (IP) can have a significant effect on the value of a company. Unfortunately, business objectives for buyers and IP interests for sellers may often conflict. Before closing a deal, the deal team must decide which IP issues require additional scrutiny. The level of review should be tailored…