Month: July 2023

  • How to Improve the Quality of Your German Patent Portfolio

    How to Improve the Quality of Your German Patent Portfolio

    Germany is an attractive market for international companies due to its strategic location, quality engineering and world-class infrastructure; foreign firms account for 40% of patent filings in Germany! Unsurprisingly, most of the top law firms prosecuting patents originate from both the USA and Japan – an indication of a more balanced patent prosecution strategy. Shifting…

  • Build Cost-Effective French Patent Portfolio

    Build Cost-Effective French Patent Portfolio

    The French IP regime can provide significant tax savings on licensing revenues. Companies can choose this regime selectively for eligible patent assets. Under French industrial property law, inventions that are novel and show evidence of inventive activity that have potential industrial application are patentable. However, disclosure by even its inventor can compromise this novelty. France’s…

  • IP Finance – Opportunities Incoming

    IP Finance – Opportunities Incoming

    Intellectual property financing used to be rare among businesses, but that has started to change with more specialized lenders and even traditional finance companies offering this form of non-dilutive funding. But in order for this strategy to work effectively, all parties involved – entrepreneurs and their lawyers alike – need a thorough knowledge of IP.…

  • Build Cost-Effective Italian Patent Portfolio

    Build Cost-Effective Italian Patent Portfolio

    On average, Italy takes between 2.5-3 years from filing to grant of patent for industrial inventions excluding processes, chemical products or biotechnological inventions. The Italian IP box regime is one of the government’s initiatives designed to foster research and development (R&D), while protecting Italy’s “Made in Italy” brand. It offers tax benefits on income derived…

  • Make Your CFO an IP Believer

    Make Your CFO an IP Believer

    Startups often make the mistake of treating intellectual property (IP) without adequate care, which can endanger financing, empower competitors, and even result in lawsuits against their companies. Intellectual property portfolios have become integral components of a company’s value today, from patents, trademarks, and copyrights to trade secrets and design patents. Yet building such an IP…

  • IP Strategy As Supply Chains Evolve

    IP Strategy As Supply Chains Evolve

    Formulating an effective IP strategy requires engaging all relevant aspects of a business, including financial teams and decision-makers, in order to ensure consistency and ensure all valuable assets are identified, valued, and safeguarded accordingly. Companies with IP strategies aligned with business goals are more likely to deter threats and take measures against bad actors, and…

  • Increased Efficiency: AI-Assisted Patent Drafting Can Automate Time-Consuming Tasks

    Increased Efficiency: AI-Assisted Patent Drafting Can Automate Time-Consuming Tasks

    AI tools are increasingly being employed by patent professionals to assist them with performing their duties more effectively. While some practitioners may hesitate to utilize these technologies, they do provide significant advantages. An AI language model like ChatGPT may prove particularly useful when drafting patent applications or responding to examiner rejections – saving both time…

  • Cost Savings: Automate Some of the Most Time-Consuming Aspects of Patent Drafting

    Cost Savings: Automate Some of the Most Time-Consuming Aspects of Patent Drafting

    An effective patent application can be one of the smartest investments a company or inventor can make; however, its creation can be lengthy and time-consuming. Good news – much of the mechanical aspects of patent drafting can now be automated! Current drafting automation tools provide highly accurate output while redirecting hours of copy-and-paste work toward…

  • Faster Turnaround Time with AI-Assisted Patent Drafting

    Faster Turnaround Time with AI-Assisted Patent Drafting

    AI tools are revolutionizing patent drafting. They reduce workflow complexity and cut the time needed to draft patents, freeing legal talent up for more pressing matters. These tools provide fast and efficient ways of writing first drafts quickly and accurately, making them especially suitable for creating short pieces like product descriptions or metatags. Speed AI…

  • AI-Assisted Prior Art Search and Analysis

    AI-Assisted Prior Art Search and Analysis

    Patent offices face increasing volumes and complexity of applications that necessitate sophisticated prior art searches. AI solutions powered by highly structured data can dramatically increase search efficiency and results to deliver improvements in examiner productivity, workflows, timeliness, and customer service. Recently, CAS collaborated with INPI Brazil on AI-enabled workflow optimization to accelerate chemical searches and…