Month: September 2023

  • Automation of Legal Opinions on Intellectual Property

    What is a Legal Opinion? A Legal Opinion is a formally expressed advice based on the expert knowledge of professional lawyers. It is a written document usually prepared at the request of clients, in which lawyers outline their comprehension of legal provisions in light of specific circumstances surrounding a given case. Legal Opinions are important…

  • Automating Legal Opinions on International Trade

    Automating Legal Opinions on International Trade

    International trade is characterized by its complexity. Its legal frameworks are complex, and it requires legal opinion to help navigate this complexity. Businesses and governments are faced with complex trade agreements, regulations, and disputes as globalization accelerates.  The integration of artificial (AI) intelligence into the legal realm has become a powerful force in this context. This essay…

  • The Role of AI in Technology and Internet Law

    The Role of AI in Technology and Internet Law

    Artificial intelligence (AI), as it becomes more sophisticated, is increasingly used to replace or assist humans in different social contexts. This increases efficiency while reducing costs. However, this also raises concerns about traditional legal principles and whether they uphold or challenge the ideals associated with the Rule of Law ideals. AI could pose issues in…

  • Invention for Autonomous Driving with Dynamic Skip Fire

    Invention for Autonomous Driving with Dynamic Skip Fire

    Invented by Ram SUBRAMANIAN, Louis J. Serrano, Matthew A. Younkins, Tula Technology Inc The market for autonomous driving has been rapidly expanding in recent years, with advancements in technology and increased consumer demand driving the growth. One of the latest innovations in this field is dynamic skip fire (DSF), a technology that has the potential…

  • The Role of AI in Contractual Interpretation

    AI contract management technology streamlines contract analysis, saving hours and reducing the potential for human error. This can be done through intelligent search, automatic data extraction, clause-level text recommendations, and more. This allows legal teams to build contracts more quickly and with greater accuracy. It can also enable a faster first draft process using prescriptive…

  • The Role of AI in Data Protection Law

    AI can help companies automate processes and perform complex analysis. However, it can also perpetuate biases if the data sets used to train them are not diverse and representative. Data protection laws such as the GDPR include requirements for businesses to be transparent about how they use personal data, including where automated decision-making takes place.…

  • The Role of AI in Real Estate Law Analysis

    Using AI to analyze property law is the next big step for real estate firms. It can help automate several processes and save time and money for your company. However, there are still concerns about the technology and its future. It is important to follow legal regulations concerning AI, and keep an eye on data…

  • Invention for Passenger and vehicle Mutual Authentication

    Invention for Passenger and vehicle Mutual Authentication

    Invented by Xiaoyong Yi, Fengmin Gong, Jiang Zhang, Qi Chen, Yu Wang, Beijing Voyager Technology Co Ltd The market for passenger and vehicle mutual authentication is rapidly growing as the need for secure and efficient transportation systems increases. Mutual authentication refers to the process of verifying the identity of both the passenger and the vehicle…

  • Machine Learning in Tax Law Analysis

    Machine learning can reduce the amount of manual work that tax professionals have to do. This can result in cost savings and improve compliance.ML can also provide insights into financial data, helping clients develop business and tax strategies. It can also detect anomalies that might indicate fraudulent activities, bolstering security and compliance efforts. Here is…

  • Invention for System to recommend sensor views for quick situational understanding

    Invention for System to recommend sensor views for quick situational understanding

    Invented by Siddharth Thakur, Armelle GUERIN, Julius S. Gyorfi, Kevin Poulet, Aude Laurent, Mark Allan, Omar Bentahar, Renault SAS, Nissan Motor Co Ltd The market for systems to recommend sensor views for quick situational understanding is rapidly growing as organizations across various industries seek to enhance their decision-making processes. In today’s fast-paced world, having access…