Invention for Luminance reduction power conservation

Invented by William PLUT, Samsung Electronics Co Ltd

Luminance reduction power conservation is a relatively new concept that has gained popularity in recent years. The idea behind this concept is to reduce the amount of light emitted by electronic devices such as televisions, computers, and mobile phones. This reduction in luminance not only helps to conserve energy but also reduces eye strain and improves sleep quality.

The market for luminance reduction power conservation is growing rapidly as more and more people become aware of the benefits of reducing the amount of light emitted by their electronic devices. The market is driven by the increasing demand for energy-efficient products and the growing concern for the environment.

The market for luminance reduction power conservation is segmented into two categories: hardware and software. Hardware products include devices such as light dimmers, light sensors, and screen filters that can be attached to electronic devices to reduce the amount of light emitted. Software products, on the other hand, include applications that can be installed on electronic devices to automatically adjust the luminance based on the ambient light conditions.

The hardware segment of the market is dominated by companies such as Lutron Electronics, Leviton Manufacturing, and Legrand. These companies offer a wide range of products that cater to different needs and budgets. For instance, Lutron Electronics offers a range of light dimmers that can be controlled using a smartphone app, while Leviton Manufacturing offers a range of light sensors that can automatically adjust the luminance based on the ambient light conditions.

The software segment of the market is dominated by companies such as F.lux, Redshift, and Twilight. These companies offer applications that can be installed on electronic devices to automatically adjust the luminance based on the ambient light conditions. For instance, F.lux adjusts the color temperature of the screen based on the time of day, while Redshift adjusts the color temperature based on the location of the user.

The market for luminance reduction power conservation is expected to grow at a CAGR of 15.3% from 2021 to 2026. The growth of the market is driven by the increasing demand for energy-efficient products, the growing concern for the environment, and the increasing awareness of the benefits of reducing the amount of light emitted by electronic devices.

In conclusion, the market for luminance reduction power conservation is growing rapidly as more and more people become aware of the benefits of reducing the amount of light emitted by their electronic devices. The market is segmented into two categories: hardware and software, and is dominated by companies such as Lutron Electronics, Leviton Manufacturing, Legrand, F.lux, Redshift, and Twilight. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 15.3% from 2021 to 2026, driven by the increasing demand for energy-efficient products, the growing concern for the environment, and the increasing awareness of the benefits of reducing the amount of light emitted by electronic devices.

The Samsung Electronics Co Ltd invention works as follows

The present invention describes systems and methods for reducing power consumption in an electronic device that includes a display. The systems and method alter video information on a display and reduce power consumption for a device that displays it when a graphic item is enlarged, and the enlargement could increase the perceived luminance of the graphics item. The video information is altered to reduce the luminance in the graphics item, at least when it is enlarged. It may be possible to offset the perceived luminance gain by humans when an item grows in size. “If the graphics item becomes smaller than the display after enlargement then the other video information within the display may be changed to conserve power.

Background for Luminance reduction power conservation

1. Field

This invention is about systems and methods for power saving in an electronic device. The present invention is aimed at reducing the power consumption of an electronics device’s display by reducing the luminance of the video information displayed on the display.

2. “2.

Video output is a major power hog for laptops and desktop computers. Video is also a major power drain on other computing devices and electronics, such as MP3 players, mobile phones and handheld computers. The power consumption of portable devices that rely on batteries with limited energy is more sensitive.

Current power saving techniques change an entire image all at once. The majority of techniques shut down displays or modify video outputs in images uniformly after a predetermined period, regardless the video content. These techniques can make it difficult for a user to view graphics and use their computer. A person will often respond by reactivating their entire display at full power. The result is that little energy is saved.

It should be obvious that other power-saving techniques are desirable.

The present invention provides methods and systems that reduce the power consumption of an electronic device with a display. The systems and method alter video information on a display and reduce power consumption for a device when a graphic item is enlarged, and the enlargement could increase the perceived luminance of the graphics item. When enlarged, altering video information reduces luminance in the video content.

According to the human visual area effect, the size of a graphic item on a display will affect the perceived brightness and display area. A graphics item’s perceived brightness is often increased by enlarging it. The enlargement can also increase the total (or aggregated) luminance of the display area.

The alterations can then reduce the luminance gained from perception when a graphic item increases in size. The video information may be changed to save power if the graphics item becomes smaller after the enlargement. The perceived brightness of the graphics item, or the aggregate luminance of an entire display area, may not change significantly when a graphics item is enlarged, but power consumption will.

The aggregate luminance output of a display area can be used to guide video information modification. In one embodiment, the initial luminance of a display area prior to any changes is used as a comparison for luminance suppression. New video information, such as an enlarging frame, can be altered in a way that the new luminance does not exceed the original luminance.

For ongoing power savings, a reference luminance can also be set. In an embodiment of steady luminance, video information is changed to maintain the aggregate luminance at or below the reference. The luminance may be suppressed as the user’s activity progresses.

The present invention is a method to reduce the power consumption of an electronic device with a display. The method includes increasing the size of a graphic item to create a bigger graphics item. The method further comprises altering video data for at least a part of the larger graphic item in order to create a modified larger graphics object that has a reduced luminance. The method also includes displaying the video information altered. Display device consumes less energy when displaying altered large graphics item as compared to the power consumed by the item without video information alteration.

In another aspect, this invention is a method of reducing the power consumption by an electronic device. The method includes displaying video information which contributes to a first aggregate luminance produced by the display device. The method comprises altering new video data in response to the new information being output on the device. If the new information is going to lead to an aggregate luminance that is greater than that of the initial luminance, then the altered video data will contribute to a reduced luminance that is lower than the aggregate luminance. The method also includes displaying the altered information.

The present invention is a method of reducing the power consumption by an electronic device. The method includes determining a luminance reference aggregate for the output of video data by the display device. The method includes maintaining the aggregate luminance output of the display device at a level less than or equal to the reference luminance by altering the video information that is output on display device.

In a second aspect, this invention is a computer-readable medium that includes instructions to reduce the power consumption of an electronic device.

In a third aspect, the invention is a system that reduces power consumption by an electronic device including a display. The system contains a monitoring device that is designed or configured to detect when a graphic item increases in size and the display of the increased graphics item will increase the aggregate luminance of a display region of the display device. The system includes a power saving apparatus that is designed or configured for altering video information contained in the enlarged graphic item. The altered video contributes to reduced luminance of the enlarged graphic item or reduced aggregate luminance of the display device. Display device consumes less energy when displaying altered video information.

The following detailed description and figures will provide more information on these and other features.

The present invention is now described in detail, with reference to some preferred embodiments of it as shown in the accompanying illustrations. The following description includes numerous details to help you understand the invention. To those skilled in the art it will be obvious that some or all these details can be omitted. “In other cases, well-known process steps or structures have been left out of the description in order not to unnecessarily obscure the present invention.

Human perception of visual information, in general, is a combination between the physical characteristics of a beam of light (spectral composition and intensity). The human eye’s physiological processes, the optical nerves’ physiological processes as a result of the light stimulus, and the processing of the optic stimuli by the brain are all involved.

Human vision uses a variety of processing and reduction mechanisms to convert light, and possibly enormous amounts of ambient visual data into a manageable signal. The main information reduction mechanisms include: edge detection, shape detection, motion detection, and foreground/background separation. Foreground/background separation divides an environment to into a foreground where relatively more information is processed (e.g. For example, a closer look at an insect on your hand allows for more detail. The ambient room, for example, provides less detail. Motion detection reduces the detail of moving objects in order to process motion (e.g. watching an insect fly across a room with less detail than when it is held). Edge detection is a technique that converts continuous luminance and color information into lines. (For example, converting four lines from a square of uniform color). Shape detection is a way to identify objects by using outer contours, which resemble the shape of an object. These mechanisms can be useful in reducing the amount of information that is sent to the brain but they also cause imperfections in visual perception.

One human vision defect relates to luminance. The eye can handle a large range of luminance, from starlight (about?2 log Cd/m2) to sunlight (5 log Cd/m2). This wide range is handled by the eye, but with some processing errors. Human vision tends to make colors and images that cover a larger area appear brighter. The ‘area effect’ is what we call this phenomenon. This effect is commonly seen when selecting paint samples. When selecting paint colors for a large wall, a small sample with a limited area can lead to perceived errors. People sometimes discover that after selecting paint colors (colors and luminances) from small samples, the color appears too bright on the wall.

Click here to view the patent on Google Patents.


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