Invention for Methods and systems for packing multiple articles in one container

Invented by Michael C. Levine, Jerry D. Norris, Individual

The market for methods and systems for packing multiple articles in one container has been growing rapidly in recent years. This is due to the increasing demand for efficient and cost-effective packaging solutions in various industries such as food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, and consumer goods.

The traditional method of packing individual items in separate containers is not only time-consuming but also expensive. It requires more materials, more labor, and more space for storage and transportation. On the other hand, packing multiple items in one container can save time, reduce costs, and improve the overall efficiency of the supply chain.

To meet this growing demand, many companies are developing innovative methods and systems for packing multiple articles in one container. These methods and systems include:

1. Automated packing systems: These systems use robotics and other advanced technologies to pack multiple items in one container quickly and accurately. They can handle a wide range of products, from small items like pills and candies to large items like bottles and cans.

2. Nesting and stacking systems: These systems use special designs and configurations to pack items in a way that maximizes space and minimizes waste. They can be used for products of various shapes and sizes, and they can be customized to meet specific packaging requirements.

3. Vacuum packing systems: These systems use vacuum technology to remove air from the container, creating a vacuum seal that protects the contents from damage and contamination. They are ideal for packaging perishable items like food and pharmaceuticals.

4. Palletizing systems: These systems use robots or other equipment to stack and organize multiple containers on a pallet for efficient storage and transportation. They can handle large volumes of products and can be customized to meet specific logistics requirements.

The market for methods and systems for packing multiple articles in one container is expected to continue growing in the coming years. This growth is driven by the need for more efficient and cost-effective packaging solutions, as well as the increasing demand for sustainable packaging options that reduce waste and environmental impact.

In conclusion, the market for methods and systems for packing multiple articles in one container is a rapidly growing and evolving industry. Companies that invest in innovative packaging solutions can gain a competitive edge in their respective markets and improve their overall efficiency and profitability.

The Individual invention works as follows

The invention is a computer-implemented system and method for packing a variety of randomly sized and shaped articles in a container. The invention determines the best packing configuration for packing a variety of randomly-sized and shaped articles into a container. This is especially useful when certain articles have special shipping requirements. The preferred packing configuration is determined using criteria that consider particular characteristics of the articles and the cost of packing labor and packing material. The preferred packing configuration can be displayed graphically, or written instructions. The container is then packed manually.

Background for Methods and systems for packing multiple articles in one container

(1) Field of the Invention.

The invention is a computer-implemented system and method for optimally packing a variety of randomly sized and shaped articles in a container or containers. The invention helps to determine the best packing configuration for packing various randomly sized and shaped articles into a container. This is especially useful when certain articles have special shipping requirements. The preferred packing configuration is determined using criteria that consider particular characteristics of the articles and the availability of containers as well as the cost of packing labor and packing material. Finally, the system also takes into account the delivery time of the packed container. The preferred embodiment displays the preferred or optimal packing configuration graphically, or provides written instructions. The container is then packed manually. This method and system can also create an historical database of the preferred packing configuration, which provides intelligence to the system.

(2) Description of Related Art.

Packing and shipping customer order is an essential part of the ordering process in retail catalogs, direct mail, part suppliers, wholesale shipping and internet or e-commerce. It also fulfils the fulfillment and distribution industries. Although many of these parts of the ordering process are now computer-based, most of the companies involved in the above industries still use human packers to decide which container and how to pack it. It is still inefficient and costly to ship customer orders.

The art of warehouse management encompasses many functions, including packing and shipping customer orders. Warehouse management encompasses all aspects of warehouse operations, including ordering and receiving inventory, stocking inventory, maintaining specific inventory levels, and disposing of that inventory. This includes packing and shipping customer orders. Although packing and shipping customer orders are an important part of warehouse management, warehouse management is still primarily concerned with automated systems for stacking and storing containers. These U.S. Patents are representative of the current state and focus of warehouse management. The following U.S. Patents represent the current state of warehouse management.

U.S. Pat. No. No. discloses a data processing method that optimizes pallet storage. U.S. Pat. No. RE34,416 to Konishi and al. A pile planning system is described for three-dimensional objects to maximize the space on a pallet. U.S. Pat. No. 5,175,692 to Mazouz et al. This diagram shows how to load a pallet with random-sized items. U.S. Pat. No. 5,291,396 to Calcerano et al. This patent is one of many that disclose a method for storing rectangular-shaped items in the smallest amount of storage space. U.S. Pat. No. 5,379,229 to Parsons et al. This diagram shows how to store and retrieve three-dimensional objects within a specified area. U.S. Pat. No. No. 5,415,518 is a description of a method for efficiently palletizing books in bundles. U.S. Pat. No. 5,422,861 to Stringer et al. This invention discloses an apparatus that scans objects in order to measure their three dimensions. U.S. Pat. No. No. 5,430,831 to Snellem reveals a method for packing two-dimensional or three-dimensional objects in a rectangular space to maximize the area. U.S. Pat. No. 5,493,491 to Calcerano et al. Calcerano et al. discloses a method for storing rectangular-shaped objects in the smallest amount of storage space. U.S. Pat. No. 5,501,571 to Van Durrett et al. An automated palletizer is disclosed for different sizes and weights. U.S. Pat. No. Scott, 5,613,826 discloses a method for maximising the stacking efficiency. U.S. Pat. No. Ross, 5,720,157 discloses an order control system that allows for the dispensing of a preselected amount of items in a specific sequence. U.S. Pat. No. Anderson 5,844,807 Anderson et al. discloses a method for stacking objects to match the pallet’s outside dimensions. U.S. Pat. No. 5,850,370 to Stringer et al. disclosed a laser-guided system for measuring objects in three dimensions. U.S. Pat. No. 5,908,283 to Huang et al. A system is described for the palletization of rectangular-sized items of random weights and sizes.

While the patents above address specific warehouse management issues such as stacking or storing containers and shipping customer orders, they do not address the problem of packing and shipping customers’ orders. These problems include poor productivity and efficiency, uncertainty among packers about the best shipping container, high shipping costs due to incorrect or inappropriate-sized containers being used, damage to packed articles and high shipping costs due to an inefficient shipper. There is a need to find a packaging system and method that increases productivity and efficiency, lowers shipping and handling costs, and minimizes the chance that packed articles are damaged in shipping.

The invention is a computer-implemented system and method for packing a variety of randomly sized and shaped articles in a container. The invention determines the best packing configuration and container to pack a variety of randomly-sized and shaped articles. This is especially true when certain articles have special shipping requirements. The preferred packing configuration is determined using criteria that take into account particular characteristics of the articles and the cost of packing labor and packing material. The preferred embodiment displays the preferred or optimal packing configuration graphically, or provides written instructions. The container is then packed manually. This method and system can also create an historical database of the preferred packing configuration, which provides intelligence to the system.

The general flow of the packaging system according to the invention is to take an order from the customer and determine the most cost-effective or preferred packing configuration for shipping that order. The system will determine the best packing configuration by taking into account the following factors: the order number, the particular dimensions and weight of the items, as well as other information such as restrictions, limitations and rules regarding particular articles, such as fragility and compatibility. Based on the shipping and delivery options, the packing system determines how many containers are required to ship the order.

The packing system of the invention determines the best packing configuration, based on labor, delivery and cost. The packaging system includes instructions for packing and shipping the customer’s orders. The preferred embodiment displays the preferred packing configuration graphically and gives written instructions. Optionally, the packing system can select a second preferred configuration. Further, the packing system allows the packer to input information regarding the chosen packing configuration. The packing system can use the inputted information to determine the performance of the system and evaluate customer orders that contain similar or identical articles or containers.

The present invention provides a computer-implemented method of placing one or several articles from a customer’s order into a container that is ideally suited for receiving them. This includes: (a) entering indicia to create an article database;(b) inputting the indicia to receive a plurality containers into the memory to create a container database; c) selecting indicia to correspond to customer orders from the article database; d) selecting indicia to correspond to selected containers; (g) and (h) creating instructions to pack the preferred configuration of the chosen containers using the preferred packaging configuration of the containers.

The present invention also provides a computer-implemented method of determining the preferred packing of one, or more, articles from a customer’s order into a container that is suitable for receiving them. This includes: (a) entering an identifier for each customer order;(b) retrieving data including the indicia from an article database containing indicia; (c) retrieving data for one or several containers from the container database; (d) selecting the preferred packing configuration from the multitude of possible configurations; (f) and (f) then packing the container with the article arrangement of the customers order; (f) and (f) following the instructions; and (f) to pack the customer order using the one or the preference packing the container with the chosen configuration of the article or more of the preferred; and packing the container according to receive the indicia customer order.

The present invention also provides a method of packing articles from customer orders into a container that can hold the articles. It involves: (a) entering customer order data into an ordering system in a programmed machine; (b) converting that order data into a language that allows the data to be transferred across computers and operating systems; (3c) retrieving indicia from customer orders and indicia from containers. (d) choosing a preferred packing configuration using the program code. (g) generating instructions using the computer.

The present invention is preferably used to retrieve carrier delivery and rate information from the above databases. This data includes carrier delivery and rate data that are based on the dimensions of one or several containers and the weight of one or multiple containers for each dimension or weight category accepted by a transporter. The preferred embodiment of the invention also includes retrieving from an labor cost database. This database contains labor costs associated to each of the possible packing configurations.

In the above methods the indica for articles from customer order are selected using data from the group consisting length, width and height, weight fragility, composition and flexibility, health factors safety factors, packing material that protects the article and combination thereof. The indica for containers are also selected from data in the group consisting length, width and height, weight and material, or a combination thereof. Preferably, the number of packaging configurations chosen is determined by the compatibility of the articles in the customer order. A preferred embodiment also allows for the selection of a second preferred packaging configuration. The preferred embodiment provides a visual representation of the preferred packaging configuration and written instructions for the preferred configuration. The packing is done manually. These methods may also include a packing history database, which can be accessed for a subsequent preferred packaging configuration.

Further,” the invention uses a structured query engine. The possible packing configurations are generated using an independent programming language. The preferred packing configuration is also provided in extensible syntax language. This allows the preferred packaging configuration to be presented in different formats.

The present invention also provides a method for placing one or several articles from a customer’s order into a container that is suitable for receiving them. It includes: (a) means to input indicia of a plurality articles into a memory on a programmed machine to create an article database;(b) means to input indicia of a plurality containers for receiving articles into the memory; (c) means to select the indicia that correspond to one or two of the containers in this container; (f)

(g) is for the generation of instructions for packing the specific container with the articles ordered by the customer in the preferred arrangement using preferred packing configuration. The system allows the packing of the articles in the container according to the instructions.

The present invention also provides a computer-implemented system for determining the preferred packing arrangement for articles from a customer’s order into a container that is preferably suitable for receiving them. It includes: (a) means to input an identifier for each customer order into the memory of a programmed machine; (b) means to store and retrieve indicia from a plurality articles stored in the memory; (c) means to store and retrieve indicia from one or more containers in the memory; (e) and for creating instructions for packing of the particular container.

The present invention also provides a method for packing articles from customer orders into a container that can be used for receiving them. It includes: (a) means to input customer order data into an ordering system in a programmed machine; (b) means to convert the customer order data from the order entry program to a language that allows the data to be transferred across computers and operating systems; and (c) means to retrieve from a database indicia articles from customer orders and indicia from one or more containers. (e) The system will allow you to choose the preferred arrangement of the customer’s into a particular container.

In the packaging system of the invention, it is preferred that the system includes a method for retrieving from an delivery and rate database indicia data for carrier delivery and rate data. This database contains carrier delivery and rate information based on the dimensions of each container and the weight of each container for each dimension or weight category accepted by carriers. A means for retrieving labor costs associated to each of the possible packing configurations from the database.

Click here to view the patent on Google Patents.


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