Invention for Products of manufacturing containing bacteriophages

Invented by Forest Rohwer, Jeremy J. BARR, J. Bruce German, University of California, San Diego State University Research Foundation

The market for products of manufacturing containing bacteriophages is rapidly expanding as scientists and researchers continue to explore the potential of these microscopic organisms in various industries. Bacteriophages, also known as phages, are viruses that specifically target and destroy bacteria, making them a promising alternative to antibiotics.

One of the key areas where bacteriophages are gaining traction is in the field of healthcare. With the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, finding new ways to combat infections has become a top priority. Bacteriophages offer a targeted approach to treating bacterial infections, as they can be engineered to specifically attack harmful bacteria while leaving beneficial ones untouched. This has the potential to revolutionize the way we treat infections and reduce the risk of antibiotic resistance.

Pharmaceutical companies are investing heavily in the development of bacteriophage-based therapies. These products can be used to treat a wide range of infections, including those caused by drug-resistant bacteria such as MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) and E. coli. Bacteriophage-based therapies have shown promising results in clinical trials, and some have already been approved for use in certain countries.

In addition to healthcare, the use of bacteriophages is also expanding in the food industry. Bacterial contamination in food products can lead to foodborne illnesses and outbreaks. Traditional methods of food preservation, such as chemical additives and heat treatment, are effective but can alter the taste and nutritional value of the food. Bacteriophages offer a natural and targeted solution to controlling bacterial contamination in food products. They can be used as biocontrol agents to specifically target and eliminate harmful bacteria, ensuring the safety and quality of food without compromising its taste and nutritional value.

The agricultural sector is another industry that can benefit from the use of bacteriophages. Crop diseases caused by bacteria can lead to significant yield losses and economic damage. Bacteriophages can be used as biopesticides to control bacterial infections in crops, reducing the reliance on chemical pesticides and minimizing the environmental impact. This approach offers a sustainable and eco-friendly solution to crop protection.

The market for products of manufacturing containing bacteriophages is still in its early stages, but it is expected to grow significantly in the coming years. As more research is conducted and the potential of bacteriophages is further explored, new applications and products will emerge. The demand for bacteriophage-based therapies, food preservatives, and agricultural biopesticides is likely to increase as the need for effective and sustainable solutions becomes more pressing.

However, there are still challenges that need to be addressed. The regulatory framework surrounding bacteriophage-based products is not well-established in many countries, which can hinder their commercialization. Additionally, there is a need for further research to fully understand the safety and efficacy of these products.

In conclusion, the market for products of manufacturing containing bacteriophages is expanding rapidly, driven by the need for effective and sustainable solutions in healthcare, food safety, and agriculture. Bacteriophages offer a targeted and natural approach to combating bacterial infections, and their potential is being recognized by industries and researchers worldwide. With further advancements in research and regulatory support, bacteriophage-based products have the potential to revolutionize various sectors and improve the quality of life for many.

The University of California, San Diego State University Research Foundation invention works as follows

Provided are compositions and methods for treating, ameliorating and preventing various infections, disorders and conditions in mammals, including genetically-predisposed and chronic disorders, where a microbial or bacterial flora is at least one causative or symptom-producing factor, where exemplary compositions are products of manufacture, a food, a drink, a nutraceutical, a dietary supplement, a formulation, a pharmaceutical or a pharmaceutical preparation comprising at least one or several of: a plurality of isolated, or substantially purified bacteriophages or prophages, or bacteriophage subunits, a milk, a milk product, milk lipid, milk fat globule (MFG) macromolecule, a milk mucin, a milk glycolipid, a milk free glycan, a milk mucin-like glycoprotein, a milk protein, a milk sugar or lactose, a milk fat or butterfat, a milk vitamin. Compositions and methods are provided in an alternative embodiment for treating, preventing, or ameliorating an illness, such as an infection of the gastrointestinal tract or bowel.

Background for Products of manufacturing containing bacteriophages

Milk Products, Isolates, Components

Probiotics and Synbiotics: Postbiotics, Prebiotics, and Synbiotics

Preservatives, Cryoprotectants, Lyoprotectants

Biofilm Disrupting Compounds

Unit Dosage Formulations and Forms, Foods and Delivery Vehicles”,

Gradual Release Formulations or Delayed Releasing Formulations

Buffers & Antacids

Infant formulas, feeds, drinks, candies, nutritional or a food or feed supplements


Blister Packaging


Example 1 : Exemplary Treatments


Phage Adherence & Bacterial Infection

Role and Capsid Ig Like Domains in Phage Adherence”.


Materials & Methods

Example 2 – Exemplary Treatments



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