Invention for Structural design systems for automatic extraction data from 2D floorplans for retention in building information model

Invented by Guy Austern, Tom Segev, Yonatan Goyhman, Stephane Levy, BeamUp Ltd

The construction industry is constantly evolving, and with the advent of Building Information Modeling (BIM), the need for efficient and accurate structural design systems has become more important than ever. One of the key challenges in BIM is the automatic extraction of data from 2D floorplans and their retention in the model. This is where structural design systems come into play.

Structural design systems are software tools that enable architects, engineers, and construction professionals to create and analyze building structures. These systems are designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, allowing users to quickly and easily create 3D models of building structures. With the help of these systems, users can extract data from 2D floorplans and use it to create accurate and detailed 3D models.

The market for structural design systems for automatic extraction data from 2D floorplans for retention in building information models is growing rapidly. The demand for these systems is being driven by the need for faster and more accurate building design and construction processes. The use of BIM has become increasingly popular in recent years, and as a result, the demand for structural design systems has grown.

There are several key players in the market for structural design systems, including Autodesk, Bentley Systems, and Trimble. These companies offer a range of software tools that are designed to meet the needs of different users, from architects and engineers to construction professionals.

One of the key benefits of using structural design systems is the ability to create accurate and detailed 3D models of building structures. These models can be used to identify potential design flaws and to optimize the design of the building. In addition, the use of these systems can help to reduce errors and improve the overall efficiency of the design and construction process.

Another benefit of using structural design systems is the ability to extract data from 2D floorplans automatically. This saves time and reduces the risk of errors that can occur when data is entered manually. The data extracted from 2D floorplans can be used to create accurate and detailed 3D models, which can be used to inform the design process and to ensure that the building is constructed to the highest standards.

In conclusion, the market for structural design systems for automatic extraction data from 2D floorplans for retention in building information models is growing rapidly. The demand for these systems is being driven by the need for faster and more accurate building design and construction processes. With the help of these systems, architects, engineers, and construction professionals can create accurate and detailed 3D models of building structures, which can be used to optimize the design and construction process. As the construction industry continues to evolve, the importance of structural design systems will only continue to grow.

The BeamUp Ltd invention works as follows

Systems and methods of extracting data from 2D floor plans and storing it in a building info model are disclosed. At least one processor may be included in the system to perform operations such as accessing a 2D floorplan that delineates a number of rooms. One operation may be to identify the wall boundaries of each room using a machine-learning model. The operations may also include the storage of the wall boundaries in a retained data structure. Operations could include the generation of a building model that includes the identified walls boundaries. An interface may be used to display a comparison between at least one portion of the 2D floorplan and the building information modeling. Operation may also include receiving input from the interface based on the comparison. Operation may also include the updating of the retention data structure according to the input.

Background for Structural design systems for automatic extraction data from 2D floorplans for retention in building information model

Technical Field

The present disclosure is general in nature and relates to floor plans for buildings. The disclosed systems and methods can be used to automatically analyze two-dimensional semantically unstructured floor plans in order to create structured three-dimensional floor plans.

Background Information

In architectural planning, geometry in 2D architectural files like CAD, PDF, and image files might lack structured semantic information or metadata. The vectors that represent rooms and delineations, such as walls, may consist of a collection of points without any metadata or semantic design identifying them as such. Sometimes, vectors representing walls might not be distinguished from vectors representing furniture and other architectural elements. Conventional computational processes may be difficult or impossible due to the absence of machine-readable architectural features and room delimitations. Two-dimensional drawings can also be inadequate for designers who wish to see a building or room in three dimensions. A two-dimensional plan may not allow a planner or designer to see the room’s size relative to its height. Designers may want to see multiple floors in three dimensions simultaneously to better understand the relationships between them. Designers might also want to see hand-drawn or paper plans in three dimensions. It is often impossible or not feasible to manually generate three-dimensional plans in many cases. Conventional methods have difficulties creating floorplans from two-dimensional plans with structured semantic data or three-dimensional views. They may also require significant manual input. There is an urgent need for non-conventional methods and systems that automatically generate three-dimensional models of buildings with structured data from two-dimensional plans.

Embodiments compatible with the present disclosure provide systems, methods and techniques for architectural planning. These systems and methods can be implemented with both conventional hardware and specialized software. For example, a machine designed and programmed to perform the steps of the disclosed method may also be used. In accordance with other disclosed embodiments non-transitory computer readable storage media can store program instructions that are executable by at most one processing device and execute any of the steps or methods described herein.

The disclosed embodiments include systems, methods, computer-readable media, and systems for selecting equipment to be used in buildings. These methods include accessing a floorplan that delineates a plurality rooms. Methods may also include receiving a first functional request for at most one room in the plurality and a second functional need for at least one room in the plurality. This method could include generatingly analysing the at most one first room together with the first functional requirements to identify a first technical description and a first location for equipment in order to at minimum partially comply with the first functional obligation; then generatively analysing the at most one second in conjunction the second functional need to identify a second technical specifications and a third equipment placement location to at least partially meet the second functional expectation. This method could also include associating the first technical specification with the first equipment location and then outputting the second technical specifications and second equipment location with at least one room.

Embodiments compatible with the present disclosure provide systems, methods, and devices for selectively simulating equipment coverage in a floorplan. These embodiments can include at least 1 processor that is configured to access a floorplan delineating at most one room and receive information via a graphic user interface marking an area within the room. The area of interest/disinterest in the room covers less than the area of at least the room. Further, the processor can be configured to access a functional need associated with an area or disinterest, view technical specifications associated to the functional requirement and generatively analyze these technical specifications to determine a solution that at most partially conforms with the functional requirement.

Some embodiments include structural design systems, methods and computer-readable media for selective simulations of technical specification coverage in floor plans. These embodiments include the ability to access a floor plan that delineates a plurality rooms. Some embodiments may involve accessing a floor plan that identifies at least one room in a plurality of rooms using a machine learning or semantic analysis method. Accessing a functional requirement associated to the at minimum one opening and accessing at most one rule that associates it with the opening are some examples. The functional requirement and at least one rule can be used to identify at least one area of interest or disinterest that is less than the area of at least one room. Accessing the technical specification associated with this functional requirement will also help. Embodiment can include using the technical specification, the defined area or interest, and the at least one room to generate a solution that at most partially conforms with the functional requirement.

Consistently with the disclosed embodiments, systems and methods, as well as computer-readable media, related to rule-based application functional requirements to spaces within a floor plan, are disclosed. These methods include accessing a floorplan that delineates a plurality space. Further, the methods can include semantic enrichment of the plurality spaces to determine a semantic classification for at least 1 space. This enrichment may be done by enriching the floorplan with the semantic designation.

Consistently with disclosed embodiments systems, methods and computer-readable media related to selecting equipment suitable for use in buildings are disclosed. Some embodiments may allow access to a floor plan that delineates a plurality rooms, as well as accessing the functional requirements and technical specifications. These embodiments can also include floor plan analysis of a floor plan in order to determine room features that correspond with technical specifications and functional requirements. Embodiments of the disclosure can then generatively analyze room features in relation to the functional requirements and technical specifications in order to determine at most one customized equipment setup for at least some rooms. They also generate a manufacturer dataset that includes a room ID, an equipment ID, and the at minimum one customized equipment configuration. This allows a manufacturer to create customized equipment for each room and package it in a way that displays the room identifier.

Some embodiments compatible with the present disclosure provide methods and systems for selecting equipment for use inside buildings. These embodiments can include at least one processor that is configured to receive a floorplan delineating the contours of a space, receive at least one functional specification or equipment specification associated to the room, and generatively analyze it to determine a plurality solution that at minimum partially conforms to the at least 1 functional requirement. Further, the processor can be configured to select a solution from the plurality, which may include instructions to modify the equipment placement. Then, the processor will generatively analyze the room and update the solution based upon the instructions.

Embodiments in this disclosure include structural design systems, methods and computer-readable media for automatically positioning primary and auxiliary equipment within a floor plan. These embodiments can include accessing the floorplan to delineate a plurality rooms and assigning functional requirements for each room. Some embodiments may allow access to at least one data structure that contains technical specifications for primary and secondary equipment. It also includes information about the locations of primary equipment as well as compatibility rules for primary and secondary equipment. A floor plan can then be generated using the functional specifications and technical specifications for primary equipment. This allows for selection and positioning of primary equipment in the floorplan to meet the functional requirements of each room. Embodiment may be based on the selection of primary equipment in the floorplan. This will allow you to use the compatibility rules and technical specifications for primary and auxiliary equipment to determine if auxiliary gear is necessary for each room and to choose the auxiliary to at least partially meet the functional requirements for each room that requires it.

As per disclosed embodiments, systems and methods for generating wiring diagrams of equipment are disclosed. One embodiment may involve accessing a floor plan that defines a plurality rooms, receiving input associating at most one of a plurality functional requirements with at minimum one room in the plurality, and then accessing technical specifications for electrical equipment within a data structure. Additionally, embodiments may include accessing a number of technical specifications related to electrical equipment, and then generatively analysing the at most one room with the functional requirements and selected technical specifications. This allows for the selection of an equipment location within the room. Access to structural data for at least one room, including wall locations, may be possible. The selected technical specifications and structural data can be used to generate a wiring plan for at least one of the rooms. This wiring diagram may include a graphic representation of the equipment placement and wiring runs to that piece of equipment on the floorplan.

Disclosed embodiments, methods, and computer-readable media are provided for extracting data from 2D floor plans and keeping it in a building info model. These methods include accessing a 2D floorplan that delineates a number of rooms. These methods can also include identifying the wall boundaries of each room using a machine-learning model. These methods could also include storing the wall boundaries identified in a retention structure. Methods may also include the generation of a building data model that includes the identified walls boundaries. An interface may be used to display a comparison between at least one portion of the 2D floorplan and the building information modeling. These methods can also include receiving input from the interface based on the comparison. Methods may also include the updating of the retention data structure according to the input.

Embodiments in accordance with the present disclosure provide methods and systems for selecting equipment models and optimizing equipment placement in floor plans. These embodiments can include at least one processor that is able to access a floorplan delineating multiple rooms and equipment symbols. A user can select an equipment symbol to analyze, parse floor plans to identify instances of the selected symbol, and examine the floorplan to identify structural elements, including walls. Further, the processor can access the functional requirements for each set of rooms that contain the selected equipment symbols. It may also access the equipment technical specifications to identify the equipment technical specifications. Finally, the processor can perform a generative analysis of the identified equipment technical specs within the walls of each room to determine which equipment model meets the functional requirements. A minimum of one processor can be configured to update the floorplan by associating selected equipment models with instances of selected equipment symbols, and output a bill-of-material based on the updated flooring plan.

Consistently with disclosed embodiments systems, methods and computer-readable media related to selecting equipment suitable for use in buildings are disclosed. Accessing a floor plan that delineates a plurality rooms and accessing the architectural feature data associated to those rooms may be one of the embodiments. Embodiments may also include the use of the architectural feature data for semantic enrichment on the plurality rooms to determine semantic designations. Embodiments could also include associating the semantic design with the plurality rooms on the floor plan and associating the semantic designations in an index with the plurality rooms. One embodiment may be to update the floor plan using an index to allow for an action to be applied in a group of rooms that share a common semantic design.

The following summary contains a few examples of disclosed embodiments. It is not intended as a comprehensive overview of all aspects of the disclosed embodiments. The following detailed description is only an example and not intended to be restrictive of the claims.

It can be difficult to choose the right specifications and locations of equipment in many rooms within an architectural plan. Each room might have different functional requirements, which could affect the placement and selection of equipment in the room. There are thousands of combinations possible for equipment specifications and locations, each with different degrees of conformance to functional requirements.

There is an urgent need for innovative approaches that allow users to input functional specs for multiple rooms into a system that will run simulations to suggest equipment and placement within those rooms.

The disclosed methods and systems provide new and unusual methods for selecting equipment coverage in floor plans. The conventional approach to selecting equipment for a floorplan may not be accurate or efficient due to labor-intensive engineering and drawing processes. When estimating equipment location, installation time, etc., assumptions may be made. When selecting equipment to improve performance (e.g. energy efficiency), the interconnectivity between multiple complex systems can present significant challenges. Conventional approaches can lead to inefficiencies and high costs as well as suboptimal solutions.

There is a need to develop a new type system and method that can use multiple data sources to optimize floor plans and analyze floor plans efficiently. This will allow you to place equipment in the most efficient way to achieve various design objectives. It also allows you to identify and place auxiliary devices, create wiring diagrams and other useful information. The disclosed methods and systems are more efficient than conventional approaches and produce better solutions. They also allow for greater customization.

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