Invention for The system and method of scoring electronic messages

Invented by David Holtzman, Robert Kodey, David Pool, Buzzmetrics Ltd

The market for the system and method of scoring electronic messages has seen significant growth in recent years. With the increasing reliance on digital communication, businesses and individuals are seeking ways to efficiently manage and prioritize their messages. This has led to the development of innovative solutions that aim to score electronic messages based on their relevance and importance.

One of the key players in this market is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms. These technologies analyze various factors such as sender reputation, content relevance, and user preferences to assign a score to each message. This scoring system helps users quickly identify and prioritize important messages, saving them time and effort in managing their inbox.

The benefits of using a scoring system for electronic messages are numerous. Firstly, it allows users to focus on high-priority messages, ensuring that important communications are not missed or overlooked. This is particularly crucial in a business setting where timely responses can make a significant difference in customer satisfaction and overall productivity.

Furthermore, the scoring system helps filter out spam and unwanted messages, reducing the risk of falling victim to phishing attacks or other malicious activities. By assigning a low score to suspicious or unsolicited messages, users can easily identify and delete them without wasting valuable time.

The market for the system and method of scoring electronic messages is not limited to individual users. Many businesses and organizations are also adopting these solutions to streamline their communication processes. For example, customer service teams can benefit from a scoring system that automatically prioritizes customer inquiries based on their urgency or importance. This ensures that critical issues are addressed promptly, leading to improved customer satisfaction and retention.

Moreover, companies can use the scoring system to analyze trends and patterns in their incoming messages. By tracking the scores assigned to different types of messages, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer preferences, common issues, and areas for improvement. This data-driven approach can help optimize communication strategies and enhance overall efficiency.

As the demand for efficient email management solutions continues to grow, the market for the system and method of scoring electronic messages is expected to expand further. With advancements in AI and machine learning, these solutions will become more sophisticated and accurate in assigning scores to messages. Additionally, the integration of these scoring systems with other productivity tools and platforms will enhance their usability and effectiveness.

However, it is important to address potential concerns regarding privacy and data security. As these scoring systems analyze and process large amounts of personal and sensitive information, it is crucial for developers and providers to prioritize data protection measures. Implementing robust encryption protocols and ensuring compliance with privacy regulations will be essential to gain user trust and maintain the integrity of these solutions.

In conclusion, the market for the system and method of scoring electronic messages is witnessing steady growth due to the increasing need for efficient email management. These solutions leverage AI and machine learning algorithms to assign scores to messages based on various factors, helping users prioritize their inbox and filter out unwanted communications. The benefits of these scoring systems extend to both individual users and businesses, improving productivity, customer satisfaction, and data-driven decision-making. As the market continues to evolve, it is crucial for developers to prioritize data security and privacy to ensure the long-term success and adoption of these solutions.

The Buzzmetrics Ltd invention works as follows

A method and system for collecting and analysing electronic discussion messages in order to categorize message communications, and identify trends and patterns on predetermined markets. The system includes an electronic data-discussion system, where electronic messages are collected according to the characteristics and data contained in each message. The system also includes a data storage for storing message information as well as the results of any analysis performed. The system collects objective data to be used in the analysis of the electronic discussion data in relation to real-world events. This will facilitate trend analyses and event forecasting, based on volume, nature and contents of messages posted on electronic discussion forums.

Background for The system and method of scoring electronic messages

1. “1.

The present invention is a general description of electronic communities, where people interact and exchange information over local and global networks. The present invention is more specifically concerned with electronic identities and reputations that are established within electronic communities.

2. “2.

Electronic Communities have been used to facilitate communication between two or more individuals. Electronic communities allow the exchange of ideas, information and opinions for a long period of time. For example, an individual may post a message about a certain topic on a first day, and later participants can view, read or respond to that message. The members of electronic communities can build a reputation by participating in the community. This is similar to that of non-electronic groups. A community may have one or more forums for discussion, and each forum can be dedicated to a specific topic. Even participants who are new to the forum can review previous discussion messages in an electronic discussion forum and thus fully participate. Web-based message boards, USENET newsgroups and electronic mailing list are all examples of electronic communities. These electronic communities and forums allow for both synchronous and non-synchronous communication. This means that one or more people can add communications to the discussion at or near the same time without interrupting the flow. Each electronic discussion forum can be rich in communications covering a variety of topics.

Other communities and electronic discussions forums can facilitate asynchronous communications in a more traditional way, for example, by offering interactive chat sessions. Participants are usually online at the exact same time in these electronic communities or discussion forums and actively respond to other messages. The information is exchanged live in these discussion forums, just like a telephone conversation. The electronic discussion forums, however, are by nature written or recorded messages that can be saved to historical records or for future analysis.

With so many topics and subtopics within each, as well as so many participants, it is difficult to quantify and capture the communications. The sheer volume of communications, and the vast number of topics and subtopics made it impossible to identify trends or predict future behavior. The fact that an individual can easily post the same message on several different discussion boards and use multiple identities when posting complicates any analysis of electronic discussion forums.

Although many electronic communities require that each member select a unique identity within the community they belong to, there is no coordination between communities to allow members to create a single identity to use in all communities. As an example, a user of the message board (?Yahoo Community?) The identity may have been acquired by a user of the message boards (?Yahoo community?) Because?john’ The individual may be unable to use the pseudonym?john? If was already selected by another individual, the user will have to choose a new pseudonym in order to use it on the Amazon message board, such as As the user joins various electronic communities, the electronic pseudonym is essentially the identity of the individual. This becomes the only way to refer to an individual within each electronic community or discussion forum.

The result is that users are unable to maintain a consistent identity in the different electronic forums where they participate. A single person cannot establish a reputation and identity across different electronic communities even when they are all related to the same subject. Some users may want to separate their identities between different electronic communities. A user might want to join a community devoted to the financial markets and another devoted solely to model aircraft. There is little connection between the two sets of communities. Therefore, the user might not want to establish a reputation and identity that spans both sets. The user may want to establish a cross community identity within each group of communities. For example, a model aircraft community may want to establish a reputation for being a helpful user. “Without a way to create an identity that crosses communities, the user could only establish a plurality independent reputations – one for each of them, without any relationship between each other.

The system and method described in the present invention allow for collection and analysis electronic discussion messages, allowing quantification and identification of trends on various markets. The message information data collected is stored as a series of time stamps in a database. This indicates the identity of the poster, or pseudonym, and the content of the message. These data are analyzed to determine when participants join and leave the discussion, and how frequently they participate. Summary statistics can be calculated to describe the behavior of each community over time. The identification of patterns within this data can be used to identify pseudonyms that play different roles in each of the communities.

The system of the invention consists of an electronic discussion data storage system, a central database and a data analytics system. The electronic discussion data systems may include a subsystem for message collection, as well as subsystems for message categorization and rating. The message collection system interfaces with several predetermined electronic discussion forums in order to collect message information. The subsystem for categorizing messages analyzes message information, and then categorizes every message according to predetermined rules. The message categorization system can also perform detailed analyses of the behavior displayed by pseudonyms in a forum, community or thread. The opinion rating system analyzes message information further and assigns an opinion score based on a number of predetermined linguistic and association rules. The central data storage of the invention includes one or more nonvolatile memory units for storing electronic information including, for instance, message information, the results of analyses performed on the system, and a variety of other information. In a preferred embodiment of the central data storage, it also comprises a relational databases system to store the information on the non-volatile devices. The data analysis system may include an objective data collection, an analysis, and a reporting subsystem. The objective data gathering subsystem interfaces to a plurality predetermined objective data sources in order to collect data that can be used to establish correlations and trends between real-world events, and communication expressed on the electronic discussion forums. The analysis subsystem analyzes the objective data and the message information described above. The report generation system generates the reports for end users. The reports can be pre-determined results in pre-defined formats, or alternatively they may be ad-hoc reports generated by the end-user.

The method of this invention includes one or more steps, including collecting a number of message data from predetermined electronic discussion boards; storing that data in a central database; categorizing it according to predetermined rules; determining the behavior of pseudonyms in each community, forum, or thread; assigning a rating to a group of message data based upon a set of predetermined linguistic patterns and rules of association; collecting objective data from multiple sources; analyzing both the message data and objective data in order to identify trends and to identify the a

The present invention provides a method and system for establishing and evaluating identities across communities in electronic forums and communities. The system and method include a scheme that allows users to register and select a universal pseudonym, which can be then associated with local pseudonyms needed on each electronic forum. A user’s electronic message postings can be evaluated in all electronic forums, establishing a reputation for the community to which the universal pseudonym is related. The user can establish a reputation in multiple electronic forums and communities.







FIG. FIG. 6 is a graphical user interface page (GUI) according to a particular embodiment of the invention.



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