Invention for Unified Online Content Manager Apparatus, Methods and Systems

Invented by Richard S. Nassar, Richard John McCarthy, Visa International Service Association

The market for Unified Online Content Manager Apparatus, Methods, and Systems is witnessing significant growth as businesses and individuals increasingly recognize the importance of efficiently managing their digital content. With the exponential growth of online content, ranging from documents and images to videos and social media posts, the need for a unified platform to organize, access, and collaborate on this content has become paramount.

The Unified Online Content Manager (UOCM) apparatus, methods, and systems offer a comprehensive solution to streamline content management processes. These platforms provide users with a centralized hub where they can store, organize, and search for their digital assets. Whether it’s a small business looking to manage its marketing collateral or an individual seeking to organize personal files, UOCM platforms offer a user-friendly interface that simplifies content management tasks.

One of the key drivers behind the growing market for UOCM apparatus, methods, and systems is the increasing adoption of cloud computing. These platforms leverage cloud technology to store and access content from anywhere, at any time, using any device. This flexibility allows businesses to collaborate seamlessly across different locations and empowers individuals to access their files on the go. Furthermore, the cloud-based nature of UOCM platforms ensures data security and backup, mitigating the risk of data loss or unauthorized access.

Another factor contributing to the market growth is the rise of remote work and distributed teams. With more companies adopting flexible work arrangements, the need for efficient content management tools has become even more critical. UOCM platforms enable remote teams to collaborate on projects, share files, and maintain version control, ensuring everyone has access to the most up-to-date content. This enhances productivity and eliminates the inefficiencies associated with traditional file-sharing methods.

Furthermore, the increasing emphasis on data privacy and compliance regulations has fueled the demand for UOCM apparatus, methods, and systems. These platforms offer robust security features, including encryption, access controls, and audit trails, to protect sensitive information. By adhering to industry standards and regulations, UOCM platforms provide businesses with peace of mind, knowing that their content is secure and compliant.

The market for UOCM apparatus, methods, and systems is highly competitive, with several key players vying for market share. These companies offer a range of features and pricing models to cater to different customer needs. Some platforms focus on specific industries, such as healthcare or legal, while others target a broader customer base. As the market continues to evolve, we can expect to see further innovation in terms of integration with other business applications, artificial intelligence capabilities, and enhanced collaboration features.

In conclusion, the market for Unified Online Content Manager Apparatus, Methods, and Systems is experiencing rapid growth due to the increasing need for efficient content management in the digital age. These platforms offer businesses and individuals a centralized hub to store, organize, and collaborate on their digital assets. With the rise of remote work, data privacy concerns, and the adoption of cloud computing, the demand for UOCM platforms is expected to continue its upward trajectory. As technology advances and customer expectations evolve, we can anticipate further advancements in this market, making content management more seamless and intuitive than ever before.

The Visa International Service Association invention works as follows

The UNIFIED CONTENT MANAGEMENT APPARATUSES METHODS AND SYSTEMS (“Online Content Manager”) transforms identification information and selection data inputs via a search engine component, a query interface component, a profile component, a content retrieval interface, et al. The Online Content Manager transforms identification data and selection data inputs through a search engine, a query component, an interface component for retrieving content, a component of a content management system, and a component for collaboration into a secured homepage with customized content, a generated search result output, and profile data. The method in one embodiment includes: receiving a request for secure content via a network, automatically constructing the query based upon the request with no additional input. Providing the constructed query to a search engine and running it against an index containing disparately owned contents; trimming the results.

Background for Unified Online Content Manager Apparatus, Methods and Systems

Businesses use tools like databases and webservers to provide content and services to clients and employees. Users can also access intranets within companies.


In today’s global market, businesses use a variety of tools to give clients and employees access to content and services, whether they are just around the corner, or across the globe. Every company is faced with the challenge of providing timely and relevant information to those who need it, while also preventing those who shouldn’t have access to it. Extranets is one of these tools. Extranets are secure computer networks that allow controlled access for users inside and outside the company. Extranets allow a company selective access for affiliates, franchisees and suppliers without giving them access to its entire network.

Online Content Manager

The UNIFIED Online Content Manager Apparatuses, Methods, and Systems (hereinafter referred to as “Online Content Manager”) disclosed in this specification allows a company or other organization to provide selective access via a secure computer network to company information, applications, and other content. This specification allows an organization or company to grant selective access to content, applications and company information via a secured computer network. Selective access is determined by a user’s profile. This allows a user to only access content they are authorized to. The Online Content Manager utilizes a search engine in order to surface information and access it without the need for input from a user or a structured query.

The Online Content Manager can be configured to extend a company’s extranet global platform in order to support integrated functions that would otherwise be hosted within regional environments. Users around the globe can access company information and services through an Online Content Manager. The Online Content Manager can be used by employees, vendors, suppliers and other partners or affiliated companies. The Online Content Manager can be configured so that company personnel may create temporary access privileges for a selected company resource. Online Content Manager allows for varying permissions so that users can only access content they are allowed to. The Online Content Manager can provide a consistent access point online for each business user, with a unified registration process. This establishes a single entry point for all the applications, services and other content of a company.

The Online Content Manager may provide a consistent, integrated user experience on the basis of internal specifications. The Online Content Manager will present each user with a uniform look and feel, but the content will be tailored to the individual user. After providing authentication credentials, the user is shown a customized home page web portal in one example embodiment.

FIG. The schematic diagram 1A illustrates one embodiment of Online Content Manager. The Online Content Manager can access the user profile 104 by a user providing a login 102. Search engine 106 will search for relevant data using the profile of the user, without the user having to input anything. The search engine 106 searches a set of data from multiple data sources including public content sources (108), and secure content sources (110). The data sources can be owned by different parties and have varying levels in security. The search results will then be displayed on the user’s device within one or more modules of a secure portal 112.

User 100 can provide login information through any user interface that is suitable. User 100, for example, may log into a secure site using any client device. Client devices that are suitable include laptop computers, desktop computers, tablet computers, and smart phones. However, any device which allows the user to login securely may be used.

In one embodiment, after signing in, the user sees a number of modules 114 on a secure web portal 112″ Each module can include customized content. The modules may also include content generated based on results of a search query generated automatically and ran against the search engine 106 using the user profile data 104.

FIG. The schematic diagram 1B illustrates an additional feature in the Online Content Manager. The user 100 may have the ability to access a publicly accessible homepage 116, without providing any login information. User 100 can view the public content pages 118 before submitting their login information. These pages only contain content that is publicly available. The user 100 can also sign up for secure content by using a self-enrollment page 120. The self-enrollment 120 page may allow the user to enter credentials to receive secure content. As shown in FIG. As shown in FIG.

As shown in FIG. In 1C, the user 100 can not only access content but also create it. This content will then be added to datastores and be available to other users who have appropriate access permission. The Online Content Manager, for example, may interface with the content management platform 130. Content management platform 130 can include features such as content authoring, site layout and design, multivariable tests, content targeting and analytics, workflow, approval and archiving. In an exemplary embodiment, Autonomy Teamsite or a similar platform is used. As the content management platform, Autonomy Teamsite? The content management platform 130 can include a WYSIWYG editor 132. Editor 132 allows a user create content that can be displayed in a preview window. When the user is happy with the content created, they can submit it to the Online Content Manager.

Submission of User-Created Content to the Online Content Manager can include: capturing metadata using a data collection template 134; publishing the data via a content distribution platform. Autonomy open deployment? This is an example for a content distribution platform. “Content distribution platform 136 can deploy code or other content to any source code management system or content management system on any network location including web servers and file servers.

In one example, the content distribution platform 136 uploads user-created content to a production server 138 in a content repository. Content repository 140 may store any metadata that is captured by the created content in a production meta-data store 142. “In an exemplary embodiment of content distribution platform 136, the user created content is converted to eXtensible HyperText markup language (XHTML), and a minimum portion of metadata and a minimum portion of user-created files are stored in a preview metadata storage 144.

When a user selects a piece of content within one module, the collaboration platform 148 sends an request to the content retrieval interface. This request may include the page identification, the part identification and any metadata that is associated with the selected content. The content retrieval interface queries the preview metadata storage 144 using, for instance, an SQL query to find the path to content on the production server 138 in content repository 140. The content retrieval interface 150 retrieves content in XHTML from the fileserver and streams it to the user on the module selected by the user.

In an exemplary embodiment, the Online Content Manager uses metadata to control the access to content in the content repository 140. FIG. FIG. 1D shows an example of a metadata mapping for access control. In one embodiment, when a user creates a new piece of content, they will need to specify metadata associated with it, either using the data capture template 134, or utilizing similar functionality.

In one example, the author of a piece content (a user) will be required by law to mark every piece with two sets of attributes. These are content targeting attributes and content security attributes. Content security attributes determine who can access the content. In one example, users must explicitly grant access before they can view the content created. Content targeting attributes prioritise the content to ensure that user content is presented in the most relevant way possible.

In one example, the default security of a piece of created content is to deny access to anyone. The author will have to select the appropriate security settings, otherwise the content won’t be accessible. Content visibility is determined by the values of the user profile. In one embodiment, content is accessed by combining security options, i.e., it is additive. The data collection template can include hierarchical menus of check boxes that enable content authors to quickly designate access permissions for each piece.

Security parameter tags for each piece of content can include geography, organization type orgType, organization ID (OrgID), Business Line (BL) and any other suitable parameters. The parameters can be marked as required or optional. In one embodiment, for example, a country, organization type, and business line tags may be required, while an organization ID may be optional. Below, we will explain each of these tags in greater detail.

At minimum, one geography tag is required for every piece of content. The content will be restricted to the geographic area that is selected as soon as a geographical choice is made. The geography tag can include states, provinces, countries, or regions within countries. It may also include regions that include a part of several countries. It may be possible to select all countries and regions.

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