Invention for Vista modulators to diagnose and treat cancer

Invented by Randolph Noelle, Kings College London, Dartmouth College

The market for Vista modulators to diagnose and treat cancer has been rapidly growing in recent years. Vista modulators are a class of drugs that target the Vista protein, which plays a crucial role in regulating the immune response. By modulating the activity of Vista, these drugs have shown promising results in the diagnosis and treatment of various types of cancer.

Cancer is a complex disease that arises from the uncontrolled growth and division of abnormal cells. The immune system plays a crucial role in recognizing and eliminating these cancerous cells. However, cancer cells can evade the immune system’s surveillance by expressing certain proteins, including Vista, which suppress the immune response. This allows the cancer cells to proliferate and spread throughout the body.

Vista modulators work by blocking the interaction between Vista and its receptor on immune cells, thereby unleashing the immune system’s ability to recognize and attack cancer cells. These drugs can be used in two main ways: as diagnostic tools to detect the presence of cancer, and as therapeutic agents to treat the disease.

In terms of diagnostics, Vista modulators have shown great potential in improving the accuracy and efficiency of cancer detection. Traditional diagnostic methods, such as biopsies and imaging techniques, often have limitations in terms of sensitivity and specificity. Vista modulators, on the other hand, can provide a more precise and reliable diagnosis by targeting the specific immune evasion mechanism employed by cancer cells.

Furthermore, Vista modulators have demonstrated significant therapeutic benefits in the treatment of cancer. Clinical trials have shown that these drugs can enhance the anti-tumor immune response, leading to tumor regression and improved patient outcomes. In particular, Vista modulators have shown promising results in the treatment of melanoma, lung cancer, and other solid tumors.

The market for Vista modulators is expected to witness substantial growth in the coming years. The increasing prevalence of cancer, coupled with the need for more effective and targeted therapies, has created a significant demand for innovative treatment options. Vista modulators offer a unique approach by harnessing the power of the immune system to fight cancer, making them an attractive option for both patients and healthcare providers.

Several pharmaceutical companies are currently investing in the development of Vista modulators. These companies are conducting extensive research and clinical trials to further evaluate the safety and efficacy of these drugs. Additionally, collaborations between academia, industry, and regulatory agencies are helping to accelerate the development and commercialization of Vista modulators.

However, challenges still exist in the market for Vista modulators. The high cost of drug development, stringent regulatory requirements, and competition from other immunotherapies are some of the factors that may hinder the growth of this market. Additionally, the long-term effects and potential side effects of Vista modulators are still being studied, which may impact their adoption in clinical practice.

In conclusion, the market for Vista modulators to diagnose and treat cancer is expanding rapidly. These drugs offer a promising approach to improve cancer diagnosis and enhance the immune response against tumors. While there are challenges to overcome, the potential benefits of Vista modulators make them an exciting area of research and development in the field of oncology.

The Kings College London, Dartmouth College invention works as follows

The present disclosure is about compositions and therapeutic techniques for activating immune responses in patients who need them. In a preferred form, the methods and compositions can be used to block the activity of VISTA. This naturally occurring “checkpoint” is able. Proteins that contribute to immune tolerance can be combined with an antagonist for a second pathway of the checkpoint system, such as PD-1. These methods and compositions can be used to treat or prevent colon cancer, for example. Herein, it is shown that an anti-VISTA anti-VISTA antagonist can activate an immune response in vitro and vivo against cancer cells, thereby conferring anti-tumor immunity, which reduces tumor burden. “A VISTA antagonist used in conjunction with a second anti-checkpoint protein, specifically an antibody against PD-1 ligand(PD-L1)” showed an additive benefit.

Background for Vista modulators to diagnose and treat cancer



Antibody-mediated VISTA blockade induces protective immunity to an autologous tumor.

Downregulation Immune Responses

Upregulation of Immune Reactions

VISTA and VISTA conjugated polypeptides

Polypeptide Analogs and Derivatives

Polypeptide Variants



Fusion Proteins


Polypeptide Isolation

Polynucleotides Coding VISTA and VISTA conjugate

Modified VISTA” and “VISTA Conjugate polynucleotides”.


Peptide Nucleic Acid



Fusion Proteins Composed of a VISTA & VISTA Conjugate”.

Systems for Recombinant expression of the VISTA & VISTA Conjugate”.

Click here to view the patent on Google Patents.


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