Traditional Vs Modern Online Brand Protection Technologies

Traditional Vs Modern Online Brand Protection Technologies

Whether you are running a small business or a large corporation, it is important to ensure that your brand is protected. There are a few factors that you must consider when choosing the right online brand protection technologies for your company.

Traditional brand protection technologies include trademark registration, domain name registration, and cease and desist letters. Modern online brand protection technologies include online trademark monitoring, domain name monitoring, and anti-counterfeiting software that can be used to monitor and report instances of infringement. The use of blockchain technology for brand protection is still in its early stages but has the potential to provide a secure, decentralized and tamper-proof method of tracking and verifying the ownership of trademarks and other intellectual property.

Brand impersonation is rampant online

Using modern online brand protection technologies you can minimize the risk of your company becoming a victim. This is especially important if you are operating in a highly competitive or highly sensitive market. Taking the time to protect your digital identity can save you a lot of headaches down the road.

The best way to do this is to implement a well rounded online brand protection strategy. This will include a comprehensive online monitoring solution, which will alert you to any suspicious activity. This is in addition to a brand security audit that will verify that your employees and customers are not being duped by hackers. Your employees should also be trained on how to recognize the telltale signs of fraud. With a streamlined approach, you will be able to mitigate your brand’s risk and keep your customers happy. This is especially important in today’s hyper-connected world. With the influx of tech savvy, socially conscious consumers, it’s essential that you implement an online monitoring solution that will help prevent the next embarrassing online gaffe.

The big question is, how do you know which online brand protection solution to trust? Fortunately, there are many choices available. LexisNexis Brand Protection offers a fully customizable and turnkey solution that will protect your online reputation and reduce your brand’s risk of becoming a victim. With a small, monthly fee, you can have peace of mind knowing that your online presence will be monitored in real-time.

Social media platforms and marketplaces are hotbeds for brand infringement

Considering the sheer number of users who engage with social media sites every day, it is no surprise that these platforms are hotbeds for brand infringement. Whether it’s counterfeit products or fraudulent posts, brands must develop robust strategies to combat the proliferation of scams on the social web.

The best way to prevent these infringements is by establishing a strong monitoring strategy. This requires a detailed social media monitoring plan. It should also include a robust toolkit to help combat scams.

The key to the program is a combination of image and keyword detection. Using these tools, you can prevent infringing content from appearing on your page.

Aside from the obvious infringements, you should also be aware of the shift in tactics that counterfeiters are using. These crooks have learned that they can use free segmentation tools to target and finalize sales more efficiently. They can create fake accounts, use stolen personal information, and create phishing emails that direct victims to a fake website.

Another concern is reputation management. Aside from securing your own website domain, you can have an injunction imposed on an individual whose online operation consists of infringing content. You can also use the injunction to force the individual to shut down his or her online business.

In the simplest terms, a brand protection service is a software package that uses a combination of image and keyword detection to identify infringing content. The social media site can then remove the infringing content from its system.

Brand protection solutions for business email compromise (BEC) attacks

Increasingly, BEC (business email compromise) scams are being used to defraud companies and individuals. Using a combination of tactics, the perpetrators impersonate employees and executives within the company to gain access to sensitive information. The scam may target HR, finance, or outside accounts.

Cyber attackers often use look-alike domains, phishing websites, or spoofing to lure victims into sending money to fraudulent accounts. These fraudulent sites may even infect your computer with malware.

To prevent BEC attacks, organizations should implement a number of safeguards, including training programs and multifactor authentication. They should also create a policy that covers employee email behavior.

One common method used by BEC fraudsters is to use a spear-phishing attack to enlist employees to attend a virtual call or to change banking details. Once the attack is completed, the thief has access to the organization’s email account, which is then used for future attacks.

Another common tactic is to search for contact information on a company’s website. The attacker can then use this information to build a targeted list of emails. Then, he or she uses this information to send messages that appear to be from a legitimate domain.

Unlike traditional desktop malware, mobile malware targets mobile devices. This type of software is designed to exploit mobile operating systems to steal sensitive data from your device. It can also be used to listen into phone calls, record conversations, and take photos of targeted users.

These malicious applications collect personal information and send spam emails on behalf of users. Some malicious apps can even spoof legitimate apps to appear harmless. Using these techniques, cybercriminals can access sensitive business and banking information. Moreover, malicious apps can soften system defenses and ruin your device’s performance.

Aside from mobile phishing attacks, the most common types of mobile malware include viruses, Trojans, and mobile bots. These types of threats are distributed through various methods such as SMS text messages, drive-by downloads, and flash drives.

Usually, these programs infect other applications by hittingch-riding on a legitimate one. These programs can be used to corrupt systems and steal login credentials and passwords. They can also change settings and perform other malicious tasks.

Another form of mobile malware is a worm, which is a computer virus that spreads between infected mobile devices. These viruses are designed to infect other phones through Bluetooth. They are difficult to detect because they can be hidden among other applications. They may also paralyze a device after a set period of time.

In addition, there are a number of other types of malware, such as adware and spyware. These apps are often installed without the user’s knowledge and collect personal information. In fact, these programs are used by fraudsters to steal passwords and login credentials.

Ultimately, BEC schemes can cost hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars. It is estimated that these attacks will be the biggest cause of financial loss in the next five years. Consequently, many organizations are looking for ways to stop BEC attacks.

Track-and-trace system

Traditionally, brand protection has been handled by people. This has included in-house lawyers and a contracted legal service. However, the advent of computer vision and artificial intelligence has changed the game. Modern brand protection programs leverage technologies like AI and automation to detect and block counterfeit products.

A good brand protection program can reduce risk, prevent revenue loss, and enhance customer satisfaction. However, a comprehensive solution should also include effective enforcement. These measures will pay dividends for your company’s bottom line.

It’s no secret that the Internet is an ever-changing sandbox, with new threats popping up daily. As such, the best way to protect your brand is to implement a robust program that includes modern online brand protection technologies. These tools can help mitigate risk, improve customer satisfaction, and reduce fraud. Using an automated detection and monitoring system will reduce the cost of protecting your brand.

Besides protecting your brand, the latest technology can also provide invaluable marketing information. This is why many businesses have a cross-functional team dedicated to implementing an integrated brand protection strategy. This includes brand analysts, legal professionals, and CISOs. With the right tools and technology, all departments can benefit from brand protection data.

Aside from the aforementioned, a modern brand protection program can be tailored to meet your unique needs. The best programs will have an effective and scalable workflow, and be able to detect and block a variety of threats.

Partnership with brand protection experts

Using a brand protection strategy to your advantage can be the difference between making and breaking the bank. The good news is that there is a myriad of providers that can help you slay the counterfeit dragon. Whether it’s a large scale enterprise with thousands of sites or a smaller business with a handful of websites, you can rely on OpSec to ensure your brand’s reputation remains intact.

Using the latest in AI and machine learning technologies, OpSec is able to monitor and analyze the content of your online channels. Taking the time to identify the most egregious offenders will prevent the dreaded black market from derailing your business. The company’s robust product portfolio includes fully integrated brand protection solutions that are designed to keep your brands and your customers on the right path. Putting your company’s brand in good hands is a gratifying experience.

One of the most rewarding aspects of partnering with a brand protection solution provider is having a team of experts who are able to deliver the most important elements of your brand protection strategy, all under the one roof. From product replacement to notification, Sedgwick’s brand protection gurus are well versed in the intricacies of protecting your brand in the digital era.

The most obvious reason for your organization to entrust its coveted brands to a brand protection solution provider is the inestimable costs that can result from a single bad apple. Fortunately, OpSec’s suite of products and services delivers a robust brand protection solution that is both comprehensive and cost-effective.