Month: August 2023

How Investors should Evaluate Startups on Their Patent and Trade Secret Strategies

How Investors Should Evaluate Startups on Their Patent and Trade Secret Strategies

Introduction Investors evaluate startups on their patent and trade secret strategies through various methods and considerations. These evaluations aim to assess the strength of a startup’s intellectual property protection, its potential for market differentiation, and its ability to create a sustainable competitive advantage. Here are the key ways investors evaluate startups on their patent and …

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Why Investors Should Evaluate Startups on Their Patent and Trade Secret Strategies

Introduction Investing in startups is a risky but potentially lucrative venture. As the startup ecosystem continues to thrive, investors face the challenge of identifying promising startups with sustainable competitive advantages. While factors such as market potential, team expertise, and product-market fit are essential in the evaluation process, many investors overlook the significance of a startup’s …

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