Invention for Plug-in Function Platform and Methods

Invented by Paul Carpentier, Jan Van Riel, Esoptra Nv

The market for plug-in function platforms and methods has been experiencing significant growth in recent years. As technology continues to advance and businesses strive to stay competitive, the demand for flexible and customizable software solutions has increased. Plug-in function platforms and methods offer a unique and efficient way for businesses to enhance their existing systems and add new functionalities without the need for extensive coding or development.

A plug-in function platform is a software framework that allows users to easily add or remove specific features or functions to their existing software applications. These platforms provide a modular approach to software development, enabling businesses to tailor their systems to meet their specific needs. By utilizing plug-in function platforms, businesses can save time and resources that would otherwise be spent on developing new functionalities from scratch.

One of the key advantages of plug-in function platforms is their ability to integrate seamlessly with existing software systems. These platforms are designed to work with a wide range of applications and can be easily integrated into the existing infrastructure. This allows businesses to leverage their current investments in software and hardware while adding new functionalities as needed.

Another benefit of plug-in function platforms is their flexibility and scalability. These platforms are designed to be easily customizable, allowing businesses to add or remove functions as their needs change. This flexibility ensures that businesses can adapt to evolving market trends and customer demands without the need for extensive redevelopment or system overhauls.

Furthermore, plug-in function platforms offer businesses a cost-effective solution for enhancing their software systems. Instead of investing in expensive custom development projects, businesses can leverage pre-built plug-ins to add the desired functionalities. This not only saves money but also reduces the time-to-market for new features, allowing businesses to stay ahead of the competition.

The market for plug-in function platforms and methods is expected to continue its growth trajectory in the coming years. As businesses increasingly recognize the benefits of these platforms, the demand for plug-in function solutions is likely to rise. Additionally, advancements in technology, such as cloud computing and artificial intelligence, are expected to further fuel the growth of this market by enabling more sophisticated and powerful plug-in function platforms.

In conclusion, the market for plug-in function platforms and methods is witnessing significant growth as businesses seek flexible and customizable software solutions. These platforms offer a modular approach to software development, allowing businesses to enhance their existing systems without extensive coding or development. With their seamless integration, flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness, plug-in function platforms are becoming an essential tool for businesses looking to stay competitive in today’s rapidly evolving market.

The Esoptra Nv invention works as follows

A server executes on a virtual machine, and facilitates the execution of lightweight plug in functions that responds to user interface commands coming from a client device. These functions add additional processing to the commands, even though they do not implement a user-interface. They generate data in real-time, access any data repository, can be programmed in any language, and perceive having infinite storage. Standard applications are used to implement a file-folder interface on the client device. The client device does not need to have folders or file contents until the user requests them. Plug-ins have their own root directory system, but they may share the same network namespace. A function can accept data via a micro-web server or folder names. Two functions can share a database with a remote computer. When a function requires more space, files stored in the local cache will be moved to remote storage.

Background for Plug-in Function Platform and Methods

There are many types of data repositories in use today, including traditional file systems, object stores and structured databases, as well as data sources like Web services. These data repositories can be found in corporate data centers, cloud storage, mobile devices, computers within an organization, legacy databases, wearable devices and other centralized or dispersed storage locations. Each of these repositories can also have their own Web site, and may even be layered with applications. Data sources can also be the end result of processing, such as document conversion. A user can also bring in their own data to be processed or stored.

Furthermore, there are different data types, different channels for accessing that data, various user devices, multiple network connections and many technologies such as Web client-server mobile web, etc. Not to mention the Internet of Things, which is still in development. Applications such as ERM, CRM, etc. can also cause problems in delivering the right data to the users in the appropriate format (because the data may be stale, or too expensive to provide on a regular schedule). The sheer volume of information and the difficulty in delivering it to the users can also cause problems.

In summary, the world is drowning with data. There are more ways of storing it, more ways of accessing it, and even more ways of presenting it. In order to access data for business purposes, many companies try to replicate and transfer data to a central place. However, this effort is not scalable, especially when you consider the number of interfaces required. The aggregated cost of ownership increases, and enterprises cannot afford or are able to continue using the current technologies to handle not only greater quantities of information, but also greater diversity and numbers of repositories that each require their own user interface. It has been estimated that, for a custom application that displays back-end data, the user interface and the user experience can cost up to 90 percent or more of the project. Not to mention, end users are unable to master and use many different user interfaces every day.

Accordingly a new platform is desirable, to enable an end-user to have simple, intuitive access to the back-end data of one or more sources or a mashup, with minimal cost and less development time.

To achieve the above, and according to the purpose of this invention, it is disclosed a platform that hosts lightweight plug in functions that can retrieve data from and store or send data to a variety storage locations or API endpoints, without necessarily requiring a user interface.

The platform uses existing user interfaces, such as the hierarchical file-and-folder presentation of a system that is used on the end-user side. However, the server-side custom plug-ins are responsible for the creation of these files and folders. This virtualization is achieved by using a programmable server.

The present invention overcomes these disadvantages in various ways. One example is that rather than downloading, storing or synchronizing data in advance, data is only generated or retrieved when it is needed. Plug-ins are lightweight and simple functions that can be used to retrieve data, write it to it, process it or combine it with another data. They only need to be activated when the user specifically requests it. A plug-in is not needed to perform administrative functions, such as authentication, authorization, resource allocation, metrics, data management, network communication, etc. The plug-in functions are primarily focused on reading or writing data into the data repository(s) required for the application. The plug-in may combine or process the data to provide the desired result to the user. “A plug-in can access any repository or data source and can combine and process the data however the developer wishes.

In order to reduce development costs and allow faster implementation and development, data is presented in a standard form to the user, instead of requiring a plug-in to implement an interface. This format can be the familiar hierarchy file system. Many business cases can be better served by presenting the data in the backend as files and folders using standard web-based protocols. The user will see the familiar files and folders that they are used to. The plug-in can create these folders and/or files on the fly in real time, while the plug-in is running. The user sees a hierarchical system of structured data that does not necessarily exist on a server’s disk, but is calculated on the fly and in real-time as required from any data repository.

The present invention can be used to handle a variety of file types, including medical images, photos, videos, financial records and spreadsheets. It also applies to device outputs, big data and artificial intelligence. The present invention can also be used in a variety of different business areas, including finance, insurance and government. It is also useful for industries such as oil and gas.

In a first embodiment, a system and method read data from a client computer device by using the plug-in functionality of a remote PC. The function returns a list containing contents that will be displayed on a client device’s user interface hierarchy. These contents are not yet stored anywhere.

In a second embodiment, a method and a system are used to read data from a client computer device by using a plug in function of a distant computer. The client device chooses a file. The function then executes, creates the new file and returns its contents to the client device.

In a third embodiment, a method and system write a file into a folder from a client computer device using a plug in function of a distant computer. The function executes the file and stores it in storage. It returns a name of the file to display in the folder in the client device.

In a fourth embodiment, a method and a system executes two functions on a server. Each function has its own root directory system, and the two share the same namespace. Each function executes, layers of executable codes are unpacked, and data is retrieved from remote enterprise computers using the same virtual machine network.

In a fifth embodiment, a method and a system executes a plug in function that doesn’t execute any user interface at a remote computing device. A server process calls the plug-in and executes it. The function creates and sends a file to the computing device of the user for display.

In a sixth embodiment, a system and method read data from a client computer device after receiving the command to create a folder with a folder’s name. The plug-in function is executed to create the folder, display it on the device and then use the folder name to produce the result.

In a seventh embodiment, a system and method write data from the client computing device after receiving a user command to create a new directory with a folder name. The plug-in functions execute in order to display the new folder on the device and create it. The If function receives the digital object that the user has added to the folder on the computing device, and processes it to produce a result.

In an eighth embodiment, a method and a system for obtaining metadata from a computing device client is described. A plug-in performs in daemon mode on a remote PC and displays a user interface on the client device that includes a file icon. The function receives metadata from the user and sends the Web page to the computing device. The function uses the metadata value to produce a desired result.

In a nineth embodiment, a method and a system input metadata from client computing devices. The remote computer first receives a request from the client to create a folder. A plug-in creates the new folder and returns it for display on the device. The folder name is given a metadata value and then the function executes based on the metadata value to produce the result.

In a tenth implementation, a method and a system allows a client device access to a remote database through two plug-ins. The first function establishes a connection to a database. The second function is used by the client device to request access to the database. The second function opens the database connection by using the first function, and responds to the client device.

In an eleventh embodiment, a method and a system executes a plug in function on a server computer in order to implement a step that is not included in the user interface command of a client device. The client device sends the computer server a pathname, along with the user interface command. The plug-in functions executes the command and implements it, as well as the additional step. It then returns the result back to the client device.

In a twelveth embodiment, a system and method write a local file from a plug in function. The regular file name is converted to a unique filename and then the file is written into a local disk user folder using the unique name to identify the file.

Click here to view the patent on Google Patents.


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