3D printing is also known as additive manufacturing, direct digital manufacturing, and solid freeform manufacturing. It involves creating layers of material from a focus image to create a three-dimensional object.
You can make anything with 3D printing. There are many 3D printers available, from small-sized consumer printers to large industrial machines that could fill an entire room.
We have an increasing number of patents to choose from, due to the rapid advancement in 3D printing. Many promising 3D printing inventions have been made in the past decade, but there is more to come. Many of the new patent applications are innovative and are being filed regularly.
Trends in 3D Printing Technology
The 3D printing technology is one of the most exciting innovations in engineering. The process involves digital light processing, stereolithography, and electron beam melting. It creates physical objects that are impossible to make by traditional means. These methods have many benefits and are changing how companies and consumers do business.
3D printing is growing at a faster pace than ever before. New technologies and patents have helped to streamline the process in specific industries.
Although 3D printing may not be the best option for all situations, it is a great solution to small prototypes or individualized products.
Although there are many uses for 3D printing, the main goal is to allow consumers to obtain what they want without ever leaving their house or purchasing it online.
Solid modelling vs surface modelling
It can be difficult to decide between surface and solid modeling. Both processes can produce similar results. Some people prefer the look of a surface model, while others prefer solid models.
Solid modeling is a computational process that creates and designs three-dimensional objects. This involves using mathematical principles and algorithms to create and simulate solid objects.
Surface modeling is a more complicated process. Instead of building a three-dimensional object out of a set of points, it creates a virtual object by calculating the curvature and shape of a surface. This model is used in computer-aided design (CAD), and engineering analysis.
Both methods allow you to create 3D models that are pleasing and attractive. Although surface modeling is simple, it can be challenging to modify a design. This process is dependent on the surface’s curvature and how it fits into the object’s shape.
The object is created by a surface modeler who defines the contours and curves of the surface and then extends it over the surface. Instead of using points to define the surface, UV curves are used to define it.
Both processes produce the same results, but it is important to consider the intended purpose and desired outcomes before choosing which one to use. Surface modeling is used most often for consumer goods products. It can also be used to showcase a car’s exterior in engineering.
Solid modeling, on the other hand, uses primitive shapes to create 3D models. It can take more time, however.
Stereolithography, a 3D printing method that uses light projection and photocurable resin formulations, produces prints. This process can quickly produce prototypes and finished products. It offers better surface quality and more manufacturability.
Stereolithography can also be used to create a variety of materials. These include cosmetic and medical applications.
Researchers from the University of Buffalo in the USA have created a three-dimensional printer capable of creating organ models in record speed. This could be a significant step towards developing organs that can save many lives.
Researchers can now create organs using live cells. These models could be used to develop medical and surgical devices. Researchers will have to come up with ways to preserve the tissue’s viability as they grow in size.
Scientists at the University of Buffalo refined their stereolithography process to create these models. The journal Advanced Healthcare Materials published their findings. Their work is expected to provide new insight into biomedical advancement and help in the development of new organ models.
The University of Buffalo has refined their stereolithography process to print three-dimensional organ models. Digital Light Processing (DLP) is an affordable alternative to prototyping microfluidic geometryes.
Researchers hope to improve tissue engineering by printing hydrogel models containing tissue. These porous structures can be manipulated to create scaffolds with optimized pores.
Researchers developed a two-stage printing method based on Formlabs Hi Temp and sacrificial, high-viscosity, paraffin wax for this project. To ensure maximum stability, the device was dried in a UV oven after printing.
Digital light processing
Digital light processing is a process that creates an artificial 3D structure using a photo-curable precursor. It uses a digital laser or projector to do this. This technology has great potential for bio-printing.
DLP-based 3D printing can be used to create medical models that replicate human organs and tissue. These medical devices in vivo can be used to replace damaged body parts or aid in healing.
However, there are some limitations to this process, including the inability to control the thickness of the layers. There is also the possibility of local volume shrinkage. Its advantages outweigh its drawbacks.
DLP-based 3D printing is able to create artificial tissues with high cell viability. The technology can also be used to create customized drug delivery systems. This technology can also be used for medical purposes, as well as to create smart materials such wearable electronics.
This process is very similar to SLA. It produces a more complicated 3D model. It can scale up to higher additive manufacturing volumes.
DLP-based 3D printing can be used for a variety of purposes, including the creation of complex vascularized tissues. The process doesn’t cause shear stress to cells or materials. There are no temperature concerns, unlike inkjet printers.
The potential for 3D printing with digital light processing has the potential to produce a wide range of smart materials. The process is subject to regulatory approval and scaling up. Recent advances in illumination technology have greatly extended the technology’s capabilities.
The technology’s cost-effectiveness, speed and efficiency in production are just a few of its notable features. Recent developments have made it possible to use a smartphone to print objects 3D.
Electron beam melting
3D printing with electron beam melting is a relatively recent technology. This technology is more affordable than traditional metal-based additive-fabrication methods. This method is used to produce parts for aviation, medical implants, jet engines and motorsports.
This involves using an electric beam and powder. The electron beam is narrowly focused and directed towards the workpiece by high-velocity electrons. The electron beam melts the metal and creates an electrical reaction.
For metallic parts, electron beam melting is used in 3D printing. These alloys include titanium, chromium-cobalt and Inconel 718. These are excellent choices for parts that require strength and high durability.
A CAD model is required to be created in order to be able to print an EBM part. The 3D model is created using a 3D modeling software and then processed with slicing software. Once the part is complete, printing instructions will be sent to a printer.
The build platform must be heated to the right temperature before the first layer can be printed. The powder layer is then pre-sintered.
To prevent powder from oxidizing, a vacuum is maintained during heating. The part is then cooled in a vacuum. You can reuse any powder that is not intered.
The Electron Beam melting method is an economical way to produce complex metal components. It requires post-processing, and doesn’t provide a smoother surface finish than DMLS or SLM.
The reliable production method of electron beam melting can be used in many industries. This technique is particularly useful for proof-of concept verification of complex geometries. It produces parts with similar properties to wrought materials and offers a cost advantage over other methods.
Electronics printed
There are many uses for 3D printing in electronics. It can reduce the size of devices and increase energy efficiency. Reliability is a major concern in this field. Because printed electronics must pass the same rigorous testing as other chips, this is a concern.
In the last decade, printed electronics emerged from research and development to offer an alternative to traditional production methods. The market is seeing rapid growth.
The market’s key drivers are the increasing demand for wearables, and the increased use of eco-friendly items. Print electronics can also be used in many other applications such as product packaging and supply chain monitoring.
This technology can be used on a variety of materials, including plastic and metal. 3D printing allows manufacturers to create custom parts in fractions of the time compared to traditional manufacturing. It can also help create complex shapes.
Many companies have joined forces to expand the possibilities of electronics manufacturing. Nano Dimension and Harris Corporation announced a partnership. They will develop technology processing solutions to OEMs.
ISORG SA is another partner. ISORG SA is another partner. Together, they will develop 3D printed materials to be used in radio frequency space systems. These companies believe they have a competitive edge, despite the fact that they are still in the early stages.
Electronics printed with conductive ink are on the rise. The technology is being commercialized by chipmakers. Some labs use aerosol inkjet for printing electronics.
The pressure to integrate sensors into electronic devices is causing manufacturing problems. Companies invest in technology to lower costs and increase efficiency.
This will lead to the production of higher-end products with 3D printers, and a boom for product development. This market is expanding.
According to our research, there was a significant increase in 3D printing patents during the third quarter 2017 compared with patents from the same time period in 2016.
Although there are numerous patents covering different 3D printing materials it is true that the future lies in developing low-cost materials for B2C and consumer markets, as well as high quality materials for B2B.
We have seen an increase in the number patents issued to 3D printer manufacturers and inventors, continuing the trend of 3D printing patents being granted. It is not surprising that 3D printing technology continues to gain popularity and expands into many industries. This makes it a lucrative market for more companies to patent their innovations.
The rise of 3D printers at home was evident, but it appears that the technology is now moving beyond the desktop. The patent reveals that large companies will be using the technology more frequently. This is why tech startups need to protect their intellectual property, and patent the innovation they create before it hits the market.
Smart materials, programmable material, and bioprinting are the future of 3D printing. We can even include inventions or patents of nanotechnology in the mix. These technologies will allow our industry to make significant changes in people’s lives.
The Upsurge in Patents for 3D Printing
As 3D printing technology has gained popularity and potential applications, patents for the technology have also increased. This technology’s patent information has increased in popularity over the past five years, making it an attractive topic for research.
In recent years, there has been an increase in 3D printing patents. The key areas where patents are filed include 3D printing materials and processes, 3D printer machines, and 3D printing applications. Stratasys and 3D Systems are some of the top patent filers in this area. There has been an increase in the number of patents filed by startups and smaller companies.
This is due to both technological advancements and the increased interest in applying technology to real-world problems.
Patent-protected technology is used to create 3D printers. This has led to an increase in patents being issued for the technology.
3D printing is not a novel technology that can only have its patent. However, 3D printing’s recent success can be attributed to several factors, including the development of new materials and growing consumer awareness, as well as the declining costs of printers.
What does this all mean for 3D printing in the future?
The World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), has published a study about 3D printing. It shows that patent applications in this area have increased steadily.
The US holds most of the patents. However, other countries are taking an increasing interest in this area.
To ensure growth in both domestic and international markets, 3D printing needs better materials to support innovation and quality production. The future of 3D printing is not yet known. R&D opens up an endless world of possibilities and unrelenting excitement. But it’s impossible to predict which new inventions might change our lives.
Companies in a variety of industries have the opportunity to benefit from additive manufacturing or 3-D printing. This includes traditional manufacturing, life sciences, and consumer products. PatentPC’s integrated team assists clients in addressing IP issues associated with 3-D printing across all technical, legal, and industry disciplines.
International Data Corporation predicts that 3-D printing will become a $30 billion industry in the near future. This is based on a compound annual growth rate of more than 22% over the next five years. The potential exists for trademarks and proprietary designs to be reproduced or manufactured in consumer 3-D printers. At the enterprise level, however, 3-D printing has great promise for a variety of human endeavors. The intellectual property challenges and opportunities are increasing exponentially, with the potential to transform industries from automobile parts to batteries to bio-printed organs and tissue.
Powerpatent has the expertise and resources necessary to tackle the challenges of additive manufacturing and take advantage of the many opportunities that the technology offers. Our lawyers, patent agents, technical specialists, and technical specialists are experts in a variety of fields related to additive manufacturing. These include materials science, engineering, computer science and software, biotechnology, nanotechnology, robotics, and material science. To maximize your potential in additive manufacturing, we invite you to get involved with our 3-D printing group.