Category: Drafting Patent

  • Cost Savings: Automate Some of the Most Time-Consuming Aspects of Patent Drafting

    Cost Savings: Automate Some of the Most Time-Consuming Aspects of Patent Drafting

    An effective patent application can be one of the smartest investments a company or inventor can make; however, its creation can be lengthy and time-consuming. Good news – much of the mechanical aspects of patent drafting can now be automated! Current drafting automation tools provide highly accurate output while redirecting hours of copy-and-paste work toward…

  • Faster Turnaround Time with AI-Assisted Patent Drafting

    Faster Turnaround Time with AI-Assisted Patent Drafting

    AI tools are revolutionizing patent drafting. They reduce workflow complexity and cut the time needed to draft patents, freeing legal talent up for more pressing matters. These tools provide fast and efficient ways of writing first drafts quickly and accurately, making them especially suitable for creating short pieces like product descriptions or metatags. Speed AI…

  • AI-Assisted Prior Art Search and Analysis

    AI-Assisted Prior Art Search and Analysis

    Patent offices face increasing volumes and complexity of applications that necessitate sophisticated prior art searches. AI solutions powered by highly structured data can dramatically increase search efficiency and results to deliver improvements in examiner productivity, workflows, timeliness, and customer service. Recently, CAS collaborated with INPI Brazil on AI-enabled workflow optimization to accelerate chemical searches and…

  • NLP Techniques Used in AI-Assisted Patent Drafting

    NLP Techniques Used in AI-Assisted Patent Drafting

    AI-assisted Patent Drafting involves applying various Natural Language Processing techniques (NLP) to assist inventors, researchers, and patent attorneys in creating high-quality patent documents. NLP is crucial in automating and optimising the patent drafting processes.  Patent analysis is a proven means of exploring and understanding technology advancement, while patent citation networks could help pinpoint key technological frontiers.…

  • Empowering Law Firms with Smart Tools: An Efficiency Guide

    Empowering Law Firms with Smart Tools: An Efficiency Guide

    In today’s fast-paced legal landscape, law firms are constantly seeking ways to enhance their efficiency and productivity. The advent of smart tools and technology has revolutionized the way legal professionals work, providing streamlined solutions for various aspects of legal practice. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the benefits and best practices of using smart…

  • How to Build a GPT-Enhanced R&D Ecosystem

    How to Build a GPT-Enhanced R&D Ecosystem

    In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, research and development (R&D) play a crucial role in driving innovation and staying competitive. One revolutionary advancement that has significantly impacted R&D is Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) technology. GPT, an artificial intelligence (AI) model, has the potential to enhance R&D processes, accelerate discoveries, and unlock new possibilities. In this…

  • How to Protect Your Trade Secrets: The Theory and The Practicalities

    How to Protect Your Trade Secrets: The Theory and The Practicalities

    Trade secrets are valuable assets for businesses, providing them with a competitive advantage in the marketplace. However, it is crucial to understand the theory and practicalities of trade secret protection to safeguard these valuable assets. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the basics of trade secret law in the United States and provide practical…

  • Patenting Asbestos Life Saving Technology

    Patenting Asbestos Life Saving Technology

    Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral product with many commercial applications. As it’s fireproof and chemical resistant, asbestos has found use across industries.  However, asbestos is widely recognized as a hazardous material due to its potential health risks. Prolonged or repeated exposure to asbestos fibers can lead to severe health conditions. Over time, these fibers…

  • Patenting Life Saving DUI Technology

    Patenting Life Saving DUI Technology

    Drunk driving remains one of the leading causes of death among American adults and children; yet technology exists which could save lives. DUI technology refers to the development and implementation of various technological advancements aimed at addressing and combating driving under the influence (DUI) offenses. DUI technology encompasses a wide range of tools, systems, and…

  • The Impact of AI on Patent Prosecution

    The Impact of AI on Patent Prosecution

    As AI becomes a larger part of legal services, many significant policy questions are being posed and addressed by governments and legal organizations around the world. Governments seek to establish an equitable approach by developing international guidelines. One crucial consideration in using AI systems ethically and not exacerbating existing biases in society. Although this may…