Creating a Venture Capital Due Diligence Checklist


Similar to a flight checklist for pilots or pre-op checklists for surgeons, a venture capital due diligence checklist helps guarantee you don’t overlook any important details.

If you’re a business owner searching for funding or venture capitalists looking to invest in your startup, the correct due diligence process can make all the difference.

Creating a venture capital due diligence checklist is an essential step in the investment process. It helps investors evaluate investment opportunities systematically and comprehensively, ensuring that they consider all key factors that may impact the investment’s potential success. A well-designed due diligence checklist can help investors identify potential risks and opportunities, assess a company’s strengths and weaknesses, and make informed investment decisions.

Venture capital due diligence helps investors make well informed investment decisions.

Legal Due Diligence

What legal due diligence entails

When raising funds from a venture capitalist firm, you must be ready for their due diligence process. This involves reviewing financial records, inventories, contracts, IP, and any other items that could have legal or business repercussions for the business.

Investors will conduct a background check on your founders and management to guarantee they are not involved in any criminal activities or other serious violations. They’ll review your financial history, profit/loss statements, and budgets to determine if you possess sufficient resources for growth.

The venture capital due diligence checklist you develop for each VC may differ, but there are certain items that all successful VCs look for: inventory, financial statements, assets, contracts, and outstanding legal matters. These documents should include stock information, financial statements, assets, contracts, and outstanding legal issues that need to be resolved.

One of the most essential things to remember is that Venture Capitalists (VCs) are investing their hard-earned money into your company, so they expect you to do a fantastic job. This necessitates being honest with them from the start of their due diligence process and providing them with all relevant information so they can confidently invest in your venture.

Be ready to answer any queries that your employer has for you. Doing so demonstrates your dedication and insight into the situation at hand.

Finally, be sure to provide any documentation related to your company’s operations, such as employee offer letters, profit-sharing plans, and stock options. These documents are essential for demonstrating your business’s financial health and may make all the difference when deciding whether or not to fund it.

Benefits of conducting legal due diligence

Founders and managers must ensure all of their company documents are organized for easy access. Doing this gives investors the impression of a well-run operation, increasing your chances of successfully funding your startup.

Additionally, using a due diligence checklist will save you both time and money by eliminating the need to re-review your files. With such an efficient tool at your disposal, getting your startup off the ground quickly is now possible!

Financial Due Diligence

What financial due diligence involves

In an increasingly fast-paced technological landscape, where startups often lack the capacity to keep up, VC firms need a process in place to guarantee they make informed decisions. This involves developing an organized due diligence protocol which they apply across most – if not all – of their investment opportunities.

The initial step in VC due diligence is creating an extensive questionnaire and sending it to the founders or managers of a target company. This gives them insight into the strengths, weaknesses, and overall business model of the endeavor. This data helps determine whether it’s likely that this opportunity will materialize as promised.

Another essential part of the venture capitalist’s due diligence process is to assess whether the company has adequate financial assets and resources to realize its vision and goals. This includes funding a marketing and sales strategy.

Venture capitalists (VCs) seek startups with the right strategic focus, competitive edge, and potential to sustain market share over time. This can be accomplished through differentiation and creating a barrier to entry that prevents competitors from replicating the company’s product or service.

Due diligence to check the financials state of a company

Importance of conducting financial due diligence

Establishing a venture capital due diligence checklist can be an invaluable tool in guaranteeing all pertinent information is included in the process. It also helps prioritize tasks and divide them up into manageable chunks for easier completion.

A thorough VC due diligence process not only assists investors in assessing a startup’s potential value but also protects them from wasting time and resources pursuing companies that are unsound. VC firms must screen and filter out many funding applications to guarantee they invest only in the most promising ventures.

This process can take a considerable amount of time and resources from the venture capital firm. However, when they discover an impressively successful company to invest in, the effort is well worth it.

Operations Due Diligence

When startups are pitching for investment from venture capital firms, they often fall short on the operations side of their business. This is where a due diligence checklist can come into play and help the company succeed in its endeavor.

The operations of a company are essential to its success and can have an immense impact on everything from financial performance to reputation. That is why venture capital firms always conduct thorough and precise due diligence on every company they invest in.

What Operations Due Diligence entails

In addition to conducting legal and financial investigations, VC firms also inspect all aspects of your company’s operations to guarantee they meet industry standards. This includes reviewing current and past tax returns, legal documents, contracts, inventory, and intellectual property.

For instance, VC firms will assess your supply chain, inventory, and production capacity. These details will enable them to assess whether your business has the potential for scaling and reaching an expansive audience.

Another critical factor VCs will assess is your product’s ability to meet customer demands in the future. For instance, if your startup develops wearable technology, it must guarantee that its capacity for growth and adaptation changes as customer preferences evolve over time.

Benefits of an operations due diligence checklist

These details will give investors a good indication of whether your operation merits investment or not. This process may take weeks or months, depending on the size of your business and how quickly you respond to their requests for information.

Therefore, it’s essential for your startup to be organized and ready for the complexities of venture capital due diligence. One way of accomplishing this is by creating a due diligence checklist that covers every aspect of your business and ensures all necessary data is accessible.

By providing a detailed due diligence checklist, your startup will appear more professional and organized than one without one. This can help your startup stand out from its competition.

Management Due Diligence

What is involved in management due diligence?

In management due diligence, your venture capitalist (VC) partner will want to learn all about your startup’s product and business model. It also wants to know about your customer base, as well as how well you stack up against rivals.

It is essential that you disclose all corporate and legal matters. This could range from your state sales tax license to articles of incorporation or partnership agreements.

Your business plans and projections, profit/loss statements, budgets, and other financial details should all be available. Doing this demonstrates your organization and ability to build a secure foundation for the future of the company.

Finally, your venture capitalist partner must be confident in your financial plans and that you can grow into a successful company. Gathering all the necessary information before beginning due diligence on potential investors will guarantee you receive the funding required to continue expanding your company’s operations.

Key steps when creating a venture capital due diligence checklist

Define your investment objectives and criteria

The first step in creating a venture capital due diligence checklist is to define your investment objectives and criteria. What type of startups are you looking to invest in? What stage of development are you interested in (early stage, growth, or later stage)? What industries or sectors are you targeting? What is your investment size and expected return on investment?

Defining your investment objectives and criteria will help you focus your due diligence efforts on the most promising investment opportunities and ensure that your checklist covers all relevant factors.

Identify key areas for due diligence

Once you have defined your investment objectives and criteria, the next step is to identify key areas for due diligence. The areas may include financials, management teams, market opportunities, competition, legal compliance, intellectual property, and operations.

Break down each area into specific factors

Once you have identified key areas for due diligence, the next step is to break down each area into specific factors that you need to evaluate. For example, the financials area may include factors such as revenue, profitability, cash flow, capital structure, and funding history. The management team area may include factors such as experience, expertise, track record, and alignment with company vision.

Breaking down each area into specific factors helps ensure that you cover all relevant aspects of the investment opportunity and identify potential risks and opportunities.

Develop a scoring system

Developing a scoring system is an effective way to evaluate each factor and compare different investment opportunities. The scoring system may be a simple numeric scale, such as 1-10, or a more sophisticated system that considers various factors and assigns a weighted score to each one.

The scoring system helps investors prioritize their due diligence efforts and ensure that they focus on the most critical factors. It also enables investors to compare different investment opportunities and select the most promising ones.

Assign responsibility for each factor

Assigning responsibility for each factor is essential to ensure that all aspects of the due diligence process are covered, and no critical factors are missed. Each factor should have a designated person responsible for evaluating it, conducting research, and providing analysis.

Assigning responsibility also helps ensure that due diligence is conducted efficiently and effectively, with each team member focused on their specific area of expertise.

Create a timeline and schedule

Creating a timeline and schedule is critical to ensure that due diligence is conducted timely and efficiently. The timeline and schedule should include specific due dates for each factor, responsible parties, and checkpoints for progress and review.

The timeline and schedule help investors stay on track, manage their workload effectively, and ensure that they have sufficient time to evaluate all critical factors before making an investment decision.


Creating a venture capital due diligence checklist is a critical step in the investment process. It helps investors evaluate investment opportunities systematically and comprehensively, ensuring that they consider all key factors that may impact the investment’s potential success. A well-designed due diligence checklist can help investors identify potential risks and opportunities, assess a company’s strengths and weaknesses, and make informed investment decisions.

By defining investment objectives and criteria, identifying key areas for due diligence, breaking down each area into specific factors, developing a scoring system, assigning responsibility for each factor, and creating a timeline and schedule, investors can ensure that they conduct due diligence efficiently and effectively and select the most promising investment opportunities.