Invention for System and Method for an Improved Control of Data Stream Management in a Vehicle

Invented by Christopher Ricci, AutoConnect Holdings LLC, Ach Holdings LLC

The market for System and Method for an Improved Control of Data Stream Management in a Vehicle is growing rapidly as more and more vehicles are equipped with advanced technology. The system and method allow for a more efficient and effective management of data streams in a vehicle, which is crucial for the safety and performance of the vehicle.

The system and method for improved control of data stream management in a vehicle is designed to manage the various data streams that are generated by the different systems in a vehicle. These data streams include information from the engine, transmission, brakes, and other systems that are critical for the operation of the vehicle.

The system and method for improved control of data stream management in a vehicle is designed to provide real-time monitoring and analysis of these data streams. This allows for the early detection of any issues or problems that may arise, which can help prevent accidents and other safety issues.

The system and method for improved control of data stream management in a vehicle is also designed to provide predictive analytics. This means that the system can analyze data from the vehicle and predict potential issues before they occur. This can help prevent breakdowns and other issues that can be costly and time-consuming to repair.

The market for system and method for improved control of data stream management in a vehicle is growing rapidly as more and more vehicles are equipped with advanced technology. The system and method are becoming increasingly important as vehicles become more complex and require more advanced technology to operate.

The system and method for improved control of data stream management in a vehicle is also becoming more affordable as the technology becomes more widely available. This means that more drivers and vehicle owners are able to take advantage of the benefits of the system and method.

In conclusion, the market for system and method for improved control of data stream management in a vehicle is growing rapidly as more and more vehicles are equipped with advanced technology. The system and method are becoming increasingly important as vehicles become more complex and require more advanced technology to operate. The system and method are also becoming more affordable, which means that more drivers and vehicle owners are able to take advantage of the benefits of the system and method.

The AutoConnect Holdings LLC, Ach Holdings LLC invention works as follows

The system can determine if the payload is able to be sent to all of the destination systems. It can also determine the current configuration of the input/output devices.

Background for System and Method for an Improved Control of Data Stream Management in a Vehicle

Modern vehicles are equipped with a variety of communication systems or networks. These communication systems or networks can have an open bus structure, proprietary bus structure, or both. These buses can be designed specifically to fit into a vehicle, or they may be available in general communication protocols. The communication systems or networks are used to connect individual vehicle components through the buses. Some examples of proprietary bus architecture for vehicles include the Controller Area Network Bus (CAN), Local Interconnect Network Bus (LIN), and various Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Bus. Open and general bus architecture includes wired or wireless Ethernet, Low-Voltage Difference Signaling (LVDS), and other examples.

The CAN bus, for instance, is a serial networking system developed primarily for automotive applications. The CAN bus enables devices and microcontrollers to communicate without the need for a host computer.

The CAN protocol allows for various devices and microcontrollers (microprocessors) to be connected to a CAN bus. Message-based communication is used in the protocol to send data and messages from one device to another.

To facilitate communication over the CAN bus, without the requirement of a host PC, CAN has an arbitration-free transmitting mechanism. A CAN transmission contains an arbitration field (message id) that represents the priority of the transmitted message. A dominant bit (?0?) A dominant bit (?0?) indicates a higher level of priority than a regressive bit (???). In a two-bit ID CAN system, for example, a device that sends a ’10? In a hypothetical CAN network with two-bit ID, a device that sends a ’10? On the CAN bus, ID is used. In this example, each device has a recessive first bit. However, the first device also has a dominant, second bit that could be arbitrated against a second recessive bit on the second device. In this case, the second device will stop transmitting on the bus in favor of a second device. It will then try to retransmit after a few clock cycle intervals. Each message ID must be unique on the CAN bus to ensure this arbitration-free mechanism. According to the CAN specifications, standard CAN 2.0A uses 11-bits IDs and extended CAN 2.0B uses 29-bits IDs.

The CAN specification (ISO 11898), further defined two types of CAN Buses, the high-speed CAN Bus (ISO 11898-2), (such for safety equipment, engine, suspension and transmission controllers, and other safety-critical components) and the low speed CAN Bus (ISO 11898-3), (such for non-safety-critical sensors and less-critical components). The high-speed bus is designed to transport data at high speeds (up to one Mbit/s, in some implementations). Low-speed bus is designed to transport data at lower speeds (up to 125Kbit/s, in some implementations), but it is more fault-tolerant than high-speed bus. The low-speed bus can also be used as a backup for the high speed CAN in the event of a high-speed bus failure.

As the CAN standard is adopted by more vehicles and systems, they are now using both a low-speed CAN and a high-speed CAN in parallel. The high-speed CAN buses carry information vital to vehicle safety or operation. This information is sent in real-time by the high-speed CAN buses to different parts of the vehicle. The high-speed CAN would be used, for example, in a scenario where an airbag is deployed. The high-speed bus can be used to send information to the airbag unit when sensors on the bumper or front of the car indicate the vehicle was involved in a collision. The low-speed bus is used for less critical applications.

A number extensions have been suggested and used to expand the capabilities of various bus architectures. On-Board Diagnostics adds support to request data from vehicle components using Parameter Identifiers. OBD was designed to be compatible with the CAN bus. However, it can also be used with other buses that are general or OEM-specific. Further, certain vehicle components like the Engine Control Units (ECU), Transmission Control Units (TCU), the Anti-lock Braking Systems (ABS) and Body Control Modules can be extended with specific protocols to work with various bus architectures. “Additionally, bus architecture extensions are required to carry information about various environmental issues like emissions to comply with government mandates.

Vehicles, especially passenger vehicles, are changing rapidly due to new safety, entertainment and communication technologies. Due to their low bandwidth and transmission speeds, existing vehicle bus protocols are not suitable for non-safety communication. The art is therefore faced with a number of challenges, including the need to improve information flow between vehicle component, leverage the communication systems and/or network in the art in order to enhance vehicle security, data privacy, and/or processing, as well as providing remote authorized third parties (i.e. Peace officers, vehicle manufacturers and security services as well as vehicle owners can access vehicle functions and information.

The various aspects, embodiments and/or configurations in the present disclosure address these and other needs. The present disclosure relates to a vehicle with a variety networking and other features.

The vehicle can, according to this disclosure, include a network controller that is a microprocessor-executable and capable of caching media for the vehicle’s occupant when a change occurs in vehicle state, function, location, or a change expected in a parameter signal associated with a channel.

The method described in this disclosure can include the following: a network controller with microprocessor execution caching media for an occupant of a vehicle in response to changes in the vehicle’s state, function, location, or actual or anticipated change in the signal parameter associated with the selected channel, and/or requests by the vehicle’s occupant and/or media source.

The disclosure states that “A non-transient tangible computer readable media can include, on a chosen vehicle, a microprocessor-executable network controller which, when executed caches media for the vehicle occupant, in response to changes in vehicle status, vehicle functions, location change, or actual or anticipated change in signal parameters associated with a channel, and/or requests by a vehicle occupant, and/or media sources.

When the media is cached as a response to a vehicle state changes, this can include the vehicle moving from a stationary position into gear or neutral gear.

The vehicle function that caches media can, for example be executing a request to cache media from an input/output device on board corresponding to a vehicle occupant while the input/output is providing the vehicle with media from a second input/output channel or changing the input/output from the first to second channel, causing the automatic caching of media from the first to second channels while the input/output is providing the vehicle with media from the second input/output channel.

The second set can limit the type of media, communication session, or channel provided to vehicle occupants when media are cached as a response to changes in vehicle locations, for example, when the vehicle moves from one vehicle location that corresponds to a set of first laws to another vehicle location that corresponds to a set of second laws.

The media type or channel and/or the communication session type is at least one of audio and video.

The vehicle operator is usually the occupant of a vehicle that is affected by automatic caching.

The signal parameter that is used to cache media in response to a change in the signal parameter of a channel can be the level at which the signal falls below a specified signal-to noise ratio.

The vehicle’s input/output system can provide media from another media source to the vehicle’s occupant when the media cache is requested by the vehicle occupant or media source.

The first media from the same media source can be cached and the second media provided by an input/output device on the vehicle.

The media may be cached only for the first input/output associated with one vehicle occupant, but not for the second input/output associated with another vehicle occupant.

Click here to view the patent on Google Patents.


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