Navigating External Patent Acquisitions

The process of purchasing, using or licensing patents from another company or individual is called external patent acquisitions. A company can buy the rights of another person to manufacture or sell a patent. It can also make a strategic decision to acquire external patents if it wants to increase its intellectual property portfolio or expand its product range.

It is sometimes more cost-effective to acquire patents from outside than develop new technologies in-house. This is because it can take a lot of time and money to research and create new technology. Therefore companies can save money and time by acquiring established patents.

Additionally, a strong portfolio of patents can help a business defend itself against a potential lawsuit for patent infringement. By acquiring patents, a business can also prevent its competitors from using the same patents, and potentially gain an advantage on the market.

Preparing for External Patent Acquisition

In preparing for appropriate external patent acquisitions, a comprehensive patent audit is necessary to confirm a target company’s ownership and status, protect patent assets, and identify any gaps or risks within their portfolios. Furthermore, an evaluation should be performed to discover any legal restrictions or issues which would prevent practicing the technology in question.

Navigating external patent acquisitions can be a complex and time-consuming process, but if done correctly, they can yield great rewards. Some of the considerations to be taken in navigating external patent acquisitions are as follows:

Image featuring a representation of external patent acquisition, illustrating the process of obtaining patents from external sources to strengthen intellectual property portfolios.
Image Credit: Unsplash

1. Identifying the Right Partner

Finding the ideal partner requires having a comprehensive understanding of what you expect from a partnership. Once you understand these criteria, you can focus on those elements that matter most for your business.

When selecting a potential partner, you should assess their capabilities, culture and value proposition. Furthermore, request quotes to determine if their services fit within your budget constraints.

A good partner can assist you in reaching your business objectives by offering their expertise and challenging your decisions when necessary. They should comprehend the crucial role software plays within an organization, so they can provide guidance towards success.

They must also be willing to collaborate and work closely with you. They should have the capacity to offer solutions when problems arise, as well as take ownership when things go awry.

Another essential factor when selecting a partner is their track record. This can be confirmed through client references and speaking to current and past employees.

Conducting these conversations is essential in assessing a partner’s capacity to deliver the services you require and complete the job on schedule and within budget. If a potential partner cannot offer these essential features, then they likely aren’t the right fit for you.

For instance, a partner with an impressive track record should be able to collaborate on the design and development of your new technology as well as assist with implementation. Furthermore, they should be able to offer support as you expand operations.

Furthermore, your partner should offer you a range of services such as consulting and training. A reliable partner should assist in developing the business case for a patent and communicating with your intellectual property attorney.

Finally, your partner should possess a team that works well together and is eager to assist in formulating your vision and strategy. Furthermore, they should possess strong technical proficiency so you can focus on what you do best.

2. Identifying the Right Technology

Identifying the right technology is a crucial step when acquiring external patents. It involves selecting technologies or areas of innovation that align with a company’s strategic goals and have the potential to provide a competitive advantage in the market. For instance, if a company is looking to expand into a new market or product line, it should consider acquiring patents related to that area of innovation. Additionally, the technology being acquired should offer exclusive rights to features or functionalities that are in high demand by customers, giving the company a competitive edge.

Moreover, the technology being acquired should have revenue-generating potential, which could be achieved through licensing to other companies, manufacturing products based on the technology, or selling the technology outright. The technology should also have significant market potential, meaning that there should be considerable demand for products or services based on the technology, and the market is sizable enough to support the company’s revenue goals.

By considering these factors when identifying the right technology in external patent acquisitions, a company can make informed decisions that will help it achieve its strategic goals and gain a competitive advantage in the market.

Image depicting the process of identifying the right technology during external patent acquisitions, emphasizing research, analysis, and selection of patents aligned with strategic goals.
Image Credit: Unsplash

3. Identifying the Right Patents

Patents are an ideal way to safeguard technology within a legal framework that promotes innovation and productivity. A patent is an official document issued by a government agency to an inventor which grants them exclusive rights for using or manufacturing their invention for a specified period of time. Patents may not be for everyone, but they have proven to be a source of innovation and revenue generation for many companies.

The patents being acquired should be strong and defensible. This means that they should have a broad scope of protection and strong claims that are not easily circumvented by competitors.

Although getting the correct patent can be an extensive and expensive process, it pays off when considering how it enhances your competitive edge and opens doors to new markets. To make sure the process goes as smoothly as possible, identify the right partner for your company, locate relevant patents & technologies pertinent to your business, and make sure all contracts are in place.

Identification of the appropriate patents is key for any successful external patent acquisition. There are a few ways to do this, such as partnering with a patent firm and conducting your own patent search.

One of the most efficient methods for finding patents is by searching the USPTO database with either a keyword or inventor name. Another approach involves looking for a patent’s Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC), which are series of letters and numbers that represent shared subject matter or features among all patents.

The USPTO categorizes all patents into these classifications, allowing you to conduct a more thorough and extensive search than just using keywords alone. This search can also assist in recognizing the most essential aspect of a patent, its primary claim. This can be especially advantageous when bargaining over an agreement.

Other advantages come from understanding the state-of-the-art in a technical field. This could involve something as straightforward as identifying patents that cover similar technologies or delving into the history of an invention.

If you’re trying to understand how an engine functions, a patent search can tell you which types of motors were used in the past and are currently being manufactured. This data is valuable for designing new motors or producing improved versions of existing models. Additionally, a thorough search will reveal how much money is spent on that technology and how many users it has. This can serve as an indication of how competitive your solution is within a particular market.

A comprehensive search should include non-patent literature, such as journals, papers, technical reports and web sites. These documents often possess excellent writing style and offer insightful knowledge about the industry.

4. Identifying the Right Agreement

Navigating external patent acquisitions necessitates an intimate knowledge of your technology, the patent landscape in your field, and how to negotiate successfully with potential partners. Achieving the ideal agreement for your company is paramount in guaranteeing that all necessary protection is in place for protecting your invention and that it will be successfully licensed.

Patent licensing is an effective way to expose your product or design to a wider audience and earn money based on future sales. The licensee pays you a one-time fee to utilize your patent, and then you collect royalties from any subsequent sales generated from that sale.

Inventors and startups often opt for patent licensing as a means of profiting from their invention without having to invest in the lengthy and costly process of mass production. Furthermore, it enables them to distribute their goods globally.

The licensing process entails negotiating a contract that specifies the terms of a patent. These can vary, but typically include an agreed upon amount to use the patent, its duration, and geographic location. Working with a lawyer or legal professional is highly recommended to guarantee your agreement meets both your goals and needs.

Before crafting an agreement, it is essential to consider how the licensor and licensee will monitor infringing activity. This could be done through regular reporting or by monitoring behavior at a specified point in the future. It could also involve reviewing the licensee’s financial history and track record, as well as their capacity for defending against infringers.

A successful licensing relationship relies on the licensee’s willingness to collaborate. Depending on your patent, this could involve providing additional data, making contributions in case of litigation, or conducting additional research.

If the licensee doesn’t comply with these conditions, it can be a major burden on the licensor and prevent them from generating income or innovation. To make sure all parties work productively together, take all necessary steps.

Image representing an agreement in an external patent acquisition, illustrating two parties shaking hands to symbolize the successful negotiation and finalization of the patent acquisition deal.
Image Credit: Unsplash


In conclusion, navigating external patent acquisitions can be a complex and challenging process, but it can also be a valuable strategy for companies looking to expand their intellectual property portfolio, gain a competitive advantage, or enter new markets.

Identifying the right partner is critical. This means selecting a partner with a strong reputation, expertise in the relevant technology or industry, and a culture that aligns with the acquiring company’s values and goals.

Identifying the right technology is equally important. This involves selecting technologies or areas of innovation that align with the company’s strategic goals, provide a competitive advantage, have revenue-generating potential, and offer significant market potential.

Identifying the right patents is crucial. It involves selecting patents that are strong and defensible, have a broad scope of protection, and are not easily circumvented by competitors. Additionally, it is important to conduct thorough due diligence to ensure that the patents being acquired do not infringe on the intellectual property rights of others.

Finally, negotiating the right agreements is vital. This involves drafting clear and comprehensive contracts that outline the terms of the acquisition, including the scope of the patent rights being acquired, the duration of the agreement, the payment terms, and any licensing or royalty agreements.

By following these steps, companies can navigate external patent acquisitions with confidence, and reap the rewards of an expanded intellectual property portfolio, increased market share, and improved competitive advantage.

However, it is also important to remember that external patent acquisitions are just one strategy in a larger intellectual property portfolio, and should be used in conjunction with other strategies such as in-house research and development, licensing, and litigation.

In summary, navigating external patent acquisitions requires careful planning, due diligence, and strategic thinking. While external patent acquisitions are not without risk, they can be a valuable tool for companies looking to expand their intellectual property portfolio and grow their business.