Invention for Systems and Methods of Task Cues

Invented by Christopher Jay Wu, Individual

The market for systems and methods of task cues has seen significant growth in recent years, driven by the increasing demand for efficient and effective ways to manage and prioritize tasks in various industries. Task cues are essential tools that help individuals and organizations stay organized, focused, and productive.

Task cues can take various forms, including visual cues, auditory cues, and digital cues. Visual cues, such as color-coded labels or sticky notes, provide a quick and easy way to identify and prioritize tasks. Auditory cues, such as alarms or reminders, alert individuals to upcoming deadlines or important tasks. Digital cues, such as task management software or mobile applications, offer a more comprehensive and integrated approach to task management.

One of the key drivers of the market for systems and methods of task cues is the increasing complexity of work environments. With the rise of remote work and the need to juggle multiple projects and deadlines, individuals and organizations are seeking efficient ways to manage their tasks and stay on top of their responsibilities. Task cues provide a simple yet powerful solution to this challenge, allowing individuals to stay organized and focused amidst the chaos.

Another factor contributing to the growth of this market is the increasing adoption of technology in task management. With the proliferation of smartphones, tablets, and other digital devices, individuals now have access to a wide range of task management tools at their fingertips. Task management software and mobile applications offer features such as task lists, reminders, and collaboration capabilities, making it easier than ever to stay organized and productive.

Furthermore, the market for systems and methods of task cues is also driven by the growing awareness of the importance of mental health and work-life balance. Many individuals and organizations are recognizing the negative impact of stress and burnout on productivity and well-being. Task cues can help individuals prioritize tasks, set realistic goals, and manage their workload effectively, reducing stress and promoting a healthier work-life balance.

In terms of market segmentation, the market for systems and methods of task cues can be categorized based on the type of cue and the industry vertical. Different industries have different task management needs, and therefore, require specific types of task cues. For example, healthcare professionals may benefit from visual cues, such as color-coded labels for patient charts, while software developers may prefer digital cues, such as task management software with integrated coding tools.

Overall, the market for systems and methods of task cues is expected to continue growing in the coming years. As work environments become increasingly complex and individuals seek more efficient ways to manage their tasks, the demand for task cues will only increase. Moreover, as technology continues to advance and new innovations emerge, the market will likely witness the development of more sophisticated and integrated task cue systems and methods.

The Individual invention works as follows

A computing system to encourage the performance of a particular task includes association data, a proximate module, a display and reward module. The association data links tags to stimuli that are related to performing tasks. The proxy module receives encoded information, identifies tags that are associated with stimuli from the association data and generates modified encoded information that includes data representative for at least one stimulus. The display module receives the modified data and displays information that is based, at least in part, on the modified data. It also provides a mechanism to allow a user perform a task relating to one or more of the stimuli. The reward module is designed to reward users for completing tasks that are related to stimuli.

Background for Systems and Methods of Task Cues

Field of Invention

The systems and methods described in this document include cues to encourage computer users to complete tasks.

Description of Related Art

Computer and Internet-based advertisements allow advertisers to target customers in ways that are not possible with traditional print or television-based advertising. Internet advertisers, for example, can gather information about consumers’ viewing histories and preferences on the Internet and use it to target ads more accurately. Both consumers and advertisers benefit from this accuracy. Advertisements are tailored to the consumer’s needs and interests. The result is that consumers respond to advertisements by purchasing more frequently, increasing the value to advertisers.

Computer and Internet-based advertisements, however, share many of the same problems as more traditional advertising. Like other forms of advertisement, only a few people are interested in or respond to computer-based or Internet advertising. While computer-based and Internet advertisers are able to gather more information on specific users before placing ads, they still do not have an accurate picture of those users or their interests. Computer and Internet-based advertisements can still be improved.

One of the challenges that computer-based and Internet-based advertising faces is that users’ interests are constantly changing, making it hard for advertisers to reach potential customers at the right moment. A user who belongs to a certain demographic group could be targeted by pop-up ads for a computer game. If the viewer uses the Internet for a purpose other than gaming, like work, then it’s likely that they are not interested in buying the computer game right now. The likelihood of the viewer buying the computer game increases if they see the same ad at a later time. A discount travel advertisement may be less effective when a viewer has not planned a trip.

Another problem is that the viewer’s interest may not be apparent. A viewer may visit a news site not because they are interested in the website or because they fit into the target demographic but because they have an interest in one, perhaps minor, aspect of a story. The viewer’s interests may not be obvious. Therefore, the viewer could see a variety of ads that are unrelated to their interests.

Another problem is that people tend to ignore advertising.” This tendency is exacerbated by ineffective targeting, as viewers assume that the majority of advertisements are irrelevant or not relevant to them. Internet users are bombarded by pop-up and banner ads that provide extraneous data. These users are then taught that the information at certain places on a website or computer screen is usually advertising, and they no longer pay attention to these areas. Internet users are less likely to pay attention to advertisements and instead tend to visit familiar websites where they already know the location of the main content. This means, from the advertiser’s point of view, that although many people visit a website containing an advertisement, very few actually view the advertisement in a manner that allows them recognize the products or services offered. It may even be true if the advertisement uses flashing or moving pictures to attract attention.

Advertisers have tried to counteract the tendency of viewers to ignore advertising in different ways. U.S. Pat. No. No. The patent describes a way to compensate a user for loading an advertisement. U.S. Pat. No. No. 6,766,524 entitled?System and method for encouraging viewers to watch television programs? The method aims to reward viewers who pay attention to television ads. The foregoing systems, however, do not target the users’ immediate interests or encourage them to respond to advertising.

There is a need for systems and techniques that can provide valuable information to users of the Internet in a manner that will attract their attention and increase the likelihood that they purchase a product.

Embodiments” of the systems described herein provide visual and audio stimulation to the user so that they are alerted to a possible task. In one embodiment, the system analyses and interprets objects within a user’s visual field. Based on these objects, it determines the current interests of the user. When the user’s interest matches a predetermined list of interests, visual and audio stimuli will be generated. The stimuli must be presented in such a way that they are visible or audible to the user, but not so that the user is likely to react negatively. The stimuli should be located within the field of view of the user and presented in a manner that notifies the user of their presence, without interfering with other viewing activities.

These task cues can be a valuable opportunity for the user to gain information about a current topic of interest while also receiving a reward. The user can be rewarded when they recognize a task. “If the user responds, then he or she may be asked to perform a task which will provide relevant information to his or interest and current viewing activity.

In one embodiment, the method rewards a user who displays positive viewing behaviors related to advertisements. The system provides a way to interpret the information that is displayed on a computer screen of a user or in a specific application, such as a browser. The content is tagged with specific tags that contain advertiser information. Images or sounds are created based on the information to alert users that advertising content is available. Advertisement content is displayed based on the information the user is viewing. The user can be given additional tasks to encourage him or her to pay attention to an advertisement when he or she chooses to view one. The user may be rewarded for completing these tasks. The reward points can be used to lower the price of certain products, services, or content. The user benefits by receiving additional rewards and useful information, while advertisers benefit from more effective advertisements due to the interest of the users.

Certain embodiments enable a paradigm change in which interested users choose which programs the sponsor will deliver rather than the sponsorship delivering a programme hoping interested users view the program. In the past, an advertiser would pay a lot of money to sponsor a show in order to reach a specific demographic. However, certain embodiments allow for the advertiser to sponsor only a small portion of one user’s viewing.

Accordingly, in one embodiment, a user can choose to view a movie, hear a song, access certain software, or view other information. In one embodiment users can trade reward points for content that would otherwise be available only for purchase. Users can therefore rent a limited time access to certain content using reward points. Content may be funded through the viewing of several advertisements that are related to the current interests of the user, or in some cases by advertisements chosen by the user. The user receives additional content by selecting and viewing advertisements. Users can also choose to skip the advertisements and use or view the desired content at their convenience in exchange for a portion or all of their accumulated reward points.

In a third embodiment, users are rewarded for downloading and executing certain programs. Software distributors may encourage users download, install and run programs to boost the popularity of a particular program and familiarize users with its features. The system can recognize the tags that are associated with a program and notify the user about the reward. The system can also recognize tags that are associated with the actions the software distributor encourages the user to perform. When these actions are detected and taken by the system, the user may receive a reward.

These and other embodiments described in this document are presented as examples and not limitations. This Summary section summarizes some of the benefits of certain embodiments described in this document, but does not claim to describe all features or characteristics of the invention. The Summary section and the detailed description that follows do not limit the invention.

1. “1. Overview of the Process

FIG. According to one embodiment, FIG. 1 is a simplified screenshot illustrating a web page search. In the embodiment illustrated, a desktop user 100 displays a search page in a browser 110. As shown, the browser 110 displays the search engine results generated by Google? The search engine results page contains entries related to the search term?Dell? Search engine results page. The results, for example, include the textual tag “Dell Computer Corporation?” As an example, the results include the textual tag?Dell Computer Corporation? Computer Corporation Website.

The task cue 122 appears next to the hyperlink. In one embodiment the task cue is an image. In the example shown, eight stars can be seen. Other images can be used to display task cues in other embodiments. In one embodiment, task cue 122 can be generated by detecting the textual tag “Dell Computer Corporation” 112. The task cue 122, for example, can be created when the phrase “Dell Computer Corporation” is detected. In a database which associates textual tags to task cues. In the illustration, the task cue has been placed next to the tag 112. According to one embodiment, according to placement rules, the system places a task cue near a tag 112. As shown, for example, the system can place the taskcue 122 directly to the right side of the tag 112 as shown. The task cue may also be placed above, below, to the right, or over tag 112. In one embodiment of the task cue, for example the task cue comprises visually or acoustically highlighting the tag 112. The tag 112 can still be read.

As described in the following, the placement of the Task Cue 122 can be achieved by modifying HTML data sent to the browser so that it instructs the browser to display a task cue at a specific location. Modifying the HTML can be accomplished by textually analysing the HTML received, detecting the textual tags, and adding HTML codes to position the taskcue 122 relative to the textual tags. The system can also position the taskcue 122, or another object, based on a graphic analysis of the display. This may be based upon the location of the tag, or the presence of white space adjacent to the tag, or any other reason.

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