Invention for Operation in an emergency of a vehicle

Invented by Maria Antoinette MEIJBURG, Paul Schmitt, Radboud DUINTJER TEBBENS, Hsun-Hsien Chang, Motional AD LLC

The Market for Operation in an Emergency of a Vehicle

In today’s fast-paced world, emergencies can strike at any moment, and being prepared is of utmost importance. One area that has seen significant growth in recent years is the market for operation in an emergency of a vehicle. This market encompasses a wide range of products and services that aim to assist individuals and organizations in dealing with emergency situations effectively.

One of the key components of this market is emergency vehicle operation training. Many organizations, such as law enforcement agencies, fire departments, and medical response teams, require their personnel to undergo specialized training to handle emergency situations. These training programs cover various aspects, including defensive driving techniques, emergency vehicle operation, and proper response protocols. The demand for such training has increased as organizations recognize the need for well-prepared and skilled individuals to handle emergencies efficiently.

Another crucial aspect of the market for operation in an emergency of a vehicle is the development and production of emergency vehicle equipment. This includes sirens, emergency lights, communication systems, and other specialized tools that aid in the safe and efficient operation of vehicles during emergencies. Manufacturers in this market continually strive to innovate and improve their products to meet the evolving needs of emergency responders. For example, LED technology has revolutionized emergency lighting, providing brighter and more energy-efficient options for vehicles.

Furthermore, the market for operation in an emergency of a vehicle also includes the provision of emergency vehicle services. This encompasses companies that offer vehicle maintenance, repair, and customization specifically tailored to emergency vehicles. These services ensure that emergency vehicles are always in top condition, ready to respond to any situation. Additionally, some companies specialize in outfitting vehicles with the necessary equipment and technology required for emergency operations, such as medical equipment for ambulances or communication systems for law enforcement vehicles.

The market for operation in an emergency of a vehicle is not limited to government organizations and emergency responders. Increasingly, individuals are recognizing the importance of being prepared for emergencies in their personal vehicles. As a result, there has been a rise in the demand for emergency kits and supplies designed for private vehicles. These kits typically include items such as first aid supplies, emergency food and water, flashlights, and other essential tools. Additionally, some companies offer services to install emergency equipment, such as fire extinguishers or GPS tracking systems, in personal vehicles.

In conclusion, the market for operation in an emergency of a vehicle is a rapidly growing industry that caters to the needs of both organizations and individuals. From specialized training programs to innovative equipment and services, this market plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and effectiveness of emergency responders. As emergencies become more prevalent in our society, the demand for these products and services will continue to rise, driving further advancements and improvements in the field.

The Motional AD LLC invention works as follows

Techniques for operating a vehicle during an emergency are provided.” The techniques involve receiving sensor data from an object within an environment using one or multiple sensors on a vehicle. The sensor data can be used to determine whether an object is an emergency vehicle. The sensor data can be used to determine if the emergency vehicle has entered an emergency mode after identifying the object as an emergency vehicle. After determining that an emergency vehicle is in emergency mode, the control module of the emergency vehicle receives instructions for an emergency operation. The control module operates the vehicle according to the emergency operation.

Background for Operation in an emergency of a vehicle

General Overview

System Overview

Cloud Computing Environment Example

Computer System

Autonomous Vehicle Architecture

Autonomous Vehicle Inputs

Path Planning

Autonomous Vehicle Control”,

Architecture for Operation in an Emergency:

Examples of Operation in an Emergency Situation

Machine Learning Process to Operate in an Emergency

Procedure for Operation in an Emergency”.

Procedure for Operation in an Emergency”.

Procedure for Operation in an Emergency”.

Procedure for Operation in an Emergency”.

Procedure for Operation in an Emergency”.

Procedure for Operation in an Emergency”.

Additional Embodiments


Click here to view the patent on Google Patents.


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