Invention for Generation dynamic software models by using input mapping and feature definitions

Invented by Prasad Kulkarni, Manish Daga, Shivaranjan Gurunanjappa, Oracle International Corp

The market for Generation dynamic software models by using input mapping and feature definitions

In today’s fast-paced technological world, software development has become a crucial aspect of businesses across various industries. With the ever-increasing demand for efficient and user-friendly software solutions, developers are constantly seeking innovative ways to streamline the development process and deliver high-quality products. One such approach gaining popularity is the generation of dynamic software models using input mapping and feature definitions.

Generation dynamic software models refer to the process of automatically creating software models based on predefined input mappings and feature definitions. This approach allows developers to quickly generate code and models that adhere to specific requirements, reducing the time and effort required for manual coding and design. By leveraging input mapping and feature definitions, developers can create software models that are adaptable, scalable, and customizable to meet the unique needs of their clients.

The market for generation dynamic software models is rapidly expanding due to several key factors. Firstly, the increasing complexity of software development projects necessitates the use of advanced tools and techniques to ensure efficiency and accuracy. By utilizing input mapping and feature definitions, developers can automate the creation of software models, saving valuable time and resources.

Secondly, the demand for personalized and tailored software solutions is on the rise. Businesses today require software that can be easily customized to suit their specific needs and preferences. Generation dynamic software models enable developers to quickly modify and adapt the software models based on changing requirements, ensuring a seamless user experience and improved customer satisfaction.

Moreover, the market for generation dynamic software models is driven by the need for rapid prototyping and iterative development. Traditional software development approaches often involve lengthy design and development cycles, resulting in delayed time-to-market. With the use of input mapping and feature definitions, developers can quickly generate prototypes and iterate on them based on user feedback, resulting in faster development cycles and quicker product releases.

Additionally, the market for generation dynamic software models is fueled by the increasing adoption of agile and DevOps methodologies. These methodologies emphasize collaboration, continuous integration, and rapid delivery. By leveraging input mapping and feature definitions, developers can align their software models with agile and DevOps principles, enabling seamless integration and continuous delivery of software updates.

The market for generation dynamic software models is also witnessing significant growth due to advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning. These technologies enable developers to automate the generation of software models based on vast amounts of data and patterns. By analyzing historical data and user behavior, developers can create intelligent software models that adapt and evolve over time, providing enhanced functionality and user experience.

In conclusion, the market for generation dynamic software models using input mapping and feature definitions is experiencing rapid growth and is poised to revolutionize the software development industry. With its ability to automate the creation of software models, adapt to changing requirements, and enable rapid prototyping, this approach offers numerous benefits to developers and businesses alike. As the demand for efficient and customizable software solutions continues to rise, the market for generation dynamic software models is expected to thrive in the coming years.

The Oracle International Corp invention works as follows

A system and a method for the construction and/or adaptation a dynamic software models.” In one embodiment, software models are generated by mapping user selections with model features specified by feature descriptions. The user selections are obtained from an initial software model. “Artifacts are assigned to the business planning model based on the user selections, by mapping the selections according to model features according previously determined feature definitions.

Background for Generation dynamic software models by using input mapping and feature definitions

The present application is related to computing and, more specifically, to the generation software models through mapping of user selections with one or more features specified in feature definitions.

Enterprise applications can benefit from efficient, adaptable and insightful planning methods and systems. Accurate planning and informed decisions can increase enterprise profits. The static generic planning models are based on a ‘one size fits all’ approach. Static planning software is characterized by static models that attempt to meet the needs of different types of organizations and usage domains. Accommodation of the diverse planning requirements of different organizations is difficult and can lead to inaccuracies in plans. The static planning software is often not able to meet the requirements of various companies or software-usage domains.

To improve the fit between the features of planning software and the requirements of different businesses, it is common to build planning models from scratch and then develop the associated planning software. This can be done for a particular business or application. The development of such fully customized planning software is time-consuming and expensive.

To reduce software development costs prebuilt static models can be customized to meet specific business/application requirements. However, the conventional software customization mechanisms can be complex and require specialized software developers in order to properly develop, integrate, and deploy customizations. Accordingly, using such conventional customization mechanisms can be time-consuming and expensive to customize static planning models or associated software.

Thus, while using static default planning models (as opposed to building them from scratch) may reduce software implementation cost, the conventional methods of customizing these static prebuilt models are also time-consuming. For example, they require specialized software developers who can manipulate or add extensions to a prebuilt package in order to meet unique business needs.

The example method includes obtaining an initial business planning model; displaying one or more business questions, wherein the one or more business questions pertain to one of more artifacts of a software model that characterizes or describes a user interface (UI) display screen to be generated for an updated software plan. Receiving answers to the question is also included in this method. The example method comprises obtaining an initial model of business planning; displaying at least one business question, where the business question is related to one of more artifacts of a business plan that describe or characterize one of more User Interface (UI), display screens, to be created for an updated model of business planning; receiving answers to the business question; grouping one of more artifacts based on one of more answers or business questions to create one of more groups; determining a differences between the updated model of business planning and

In a specific embodiment, the method example further includes determining the one or multiple sets of software functionality that will be associated with the one or several business planning model artifacts. The one or two sets of functionality are one or several business planning model features or sets thereof. One or more predefined features of a business planning model may include, for instance, financial statement planning functionality, workforce planning functionality, capital planning functionality, or projects planning functionality. One or more of the predefined features for business planning models may include sub-functionality, which includes one or multiple sub features. One or more subfeatures could include, for instance, revenue, expense and income statement statements, balance sheet statements, cash flow functionality.

The one artifacts can include, for instance, metadata pertaining a layout of one or multiple UI display screens.” The one or two artifacts can also include descriptions of dashboards, form folders and rule sets. “The one or more artifacts can be independent artifacts (e.g. a composite form or rule set) or dependent artifacts.

The specific embodiment includes the steps of selecting, determining or otherwise obtaining an original business planning model, and constructing an initial business plan model in accordance to the one-or-more business questions. The step of determining the difference can further include generating a file that describes updates to be applied to the original business planning model in order to produce the updated business plan model.

The file may be an eXtensible Markup Language file (XML). The example method can also include selectively deploying a cloud-based enterprise application that is characterized by an updated business plan model and repeating this method to further update the business planning model in order to meet new or existing business requirements.

The step of using a description can further include obtaining multiple business planning models including the updated model, and providing a user interface control to define one or several interdependencies between artifacts and features of the model updated and other artifacts and features of other models in the plural business models.” The same can be done for interdependencies among artifacts or features within a single business plan.

The specific example method also includes propagating additional adjustments to the updated model of business planning in accordance with dependencies to ensure that conflict is not introduced between the multiple business planning models through the updating of business planning model.

Accordingly, the various embodiments described herein allow generation and use dynamic multidimensional planning models (also referred to as planning models herein), in accordance with questions or answers from business. A developer framework can facilitate the definition of an initial set business questions called queries. These are linked to software functionality (e.g. features and/or groupings thereof) which is then associated with artifacts.

After the development and deployment, an initial business plan model can be updated selectively based on answers to business questions. These responses can be used to generate a dynamic new model with associated UI display screens.

The development framework and/or the framework within which the software application embodies the business model may support the addition of flex dimension to the business plan model and may support the handling and accommodating of any impacts that the flex dimension may have on attributes, features and/or other aspects.

The frameworks can support dynamic integration of newly added attributes and features into the business planning model. Consequently, different business processes can be implemented (e.g. projects, workforces, capital, finances, etc.). The business questions can be answered to adjust the model so that there are no conflicts between software functionality and existing processes or new ones.

By enabling the efficient and rapid creation of specialized models on-the-fly, various embodiments described herein empower business users to adapt quickly to changing business needs and/or meet existing business requirements. A business planning services by geography, product, or market may decide to only plan services by market. These decisions are embodied as questions and answers that are used to update the cloud-based software for business planning.

The underlying mechanism for updating the Business Planning Model may leverage model features (including dynamically-generated artifacts), mappings, business questions and/or associations between them, to integrate business model updates efficiently without introducing conflicts in software, such as problematic Integrations. Model updating can also be facilitated by using flexible dimensions.

The dynamic business models can be configured to allow incremental adaptation to the underlying model in order to meet specific or individual business needs.

The business model can be improved over time by enabling the development and deployment an initial seed dynamic plan model, then allowing incremental updates based on the answers to business queries (which are dynamically generated in some embodiments), thereby enabling it to grow and become arbitrarily complicated models to meet specific needs of customers, i.e. users of cloud-based applications embodying this model.

Business customers can influence the evolution of the business model by enabling the automatic handling artifacts that describe UI display screen characteristics or aspects (e.g. by selecting or associating artifacts to features, i.e. software functionality), in response to answers provided by business questions. The addition of user options that allow the definition of dependencies among different business model features can further facilitate the integration of different software processes with their associated functionality, as the business model adapts and grows.

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